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Presentation on theme: "SUPA EARTH SYSTEMS SCIENCE"— Presentation transcript:


2 DUAL ENROLLMENT Syracuse University Credit (with at least a C)
Syracuse Website – LRHS Credit – premium course

3 CONTACT INFORMATION Barbara Ziegler – x701

4 Faculty Page Ms. Ziegler's Faculty Page

5 Topics Global change over different time scales
Systems approach to understanding the Earth Global energy balance and Earth’s greenhouse Atmosphere circulation Oceanic circulation Continental landforms Nutrient cycling The origin of Earth and life Long-term climate regulation Global change over the last 2.5 billion years

6 OBJECTIVES Learn to think critically in order to solve problems
Gain an understanding of Earth using a systems approach Gain a deep understanding of the scientific method Apply mathematical and scientific knowledge and skills to solve problems Apply basic arithmetic, algebra, and geometry to Earth science concepts Use basic statistical concepts to draw both inferences and conclusions from data Identify implications and consequences of drawn conclusions Measure, compare, order, scale, locate, and code (meaning encode, describe, or communicate) data accurately Do scientific research and report and display the results of this research Understand these issues in terms of the modern political and social context

7 EXTRA HELP Extra help is available Wednesday

8 GRADING POLICY 2 Sets of Grades: Syracuse
The grading scale for Syracuse University will be the standard college scale: Course Average Letter Grade A A- B+ B B- C+ C C- D F

9 GRADING POLICY LRHS Grades are determined based on the following percentages: 50 % - Tests (62.5% of semester) 30% - Labs, Classwork, Homework, Quizzes (37.5%) 10% - Midterm 10% - Final Project

10 Looking forward to a successful and productive semester
Please feel free to contact me with any questions and concerns



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