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Question 1 Nothing in this Code shall affect any civil remedy provided by the law pertaining to civil matters, or any legal power to inflict penalties.

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Presentation on theme: "Question 1 Nothing in this Code shall affect any civil remedy provided by the law pertaining to civil matters, or any legal power to inflict penalties."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question 1 Nothing in this Code shall affect any civil remedy provided by the law pertaining to civil matters, or any legal power to inflict penalties for contempt. Civil remedies not affected

2 Question 2 If the circumstances indicate that because of a mental disease or mental defect the offender was incapable of distinguishing between right and wrong with reference to the conduct in question, the offender shall be exempt from criminal responsibility Insanity

3 Question 3 The fact of an intoxicated or drugged condition of the offender at the time of the commission of the crime is immaterial, except as follows: (1)  condition has been involuntary (2)  precluded the presence of a specific criminal intent or of special knowledge required in a particular crime Intoxication

4 Question 4 The fact that an offender's conduct is justifiable, although otherwise criminal, shall constitute a defense to prosecution for any crime based on that conduct.   Justification; general provisions

5 Question 5 Use of force or violence in defense
The use of force or violence is justifiable when committed for the purpose of preventing a forcible offense against the person or trespass against property in a person's lawful possession, the force or violence used must be reasonable and apparently necessary to prevent such offense, and shall not apply where the force or violence results in a homicide. Use of force or violence in defense

6 Question 6 When committed in self-defense by one who reasonably believes that he is in imminent danger of losing his life or receiving great bodily harm and that the killing is necessary to save himself from that danger. Justifiable homicide

7 Question 7 A person who brings on a difficulty cannot claim the right of self-defense unless he withdraws from the conflict in good faith and in such a manner that his adversary knows or should know that he desires to withdraw. Aggressor cannot claim self defense

8 Question 8 It is justifiable to use force or violence or to kill in the defense of another person when it is reasonably apparent that the person attacked could have justifiably used such means himself.  Defense of others

9 Question 9 All persons who aid and abet in its commission, or directly or indirectly counsel or procure another to commit the crime. Principals

10 Question 10 Any person who, after the commission of a felony, shall harbor, conceal, or aid the offender, knowing or having reasonable ground to believe that he has committed the felony, and with the intent that he may avoid or escape from arrest, trial, conviction, or punishment. Accessories after the fact

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