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International recruitment to the health care sector as part of the HYVÄ programme – state of play Tiina Oinonen Helsinki 5.6.2014.

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Presentation on theme: "International recruitment to the health care sector as part of the HYVÄ programme – state of play Tiina Oinonen Helsinki 5.6.2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 International recruitment to the health care sector as part of the HYVÄ programme – state of play
Tiina Oinonen Helsinki

2 Background HYVÄ aims to develop labour and industrial policies in social and health care services, one focus area is to ensure the availability of skilled labour force According to MEE’s surveys, the accumulated gap in the labour force of the heath care sector in year 2025 will be at least persons HYVÄ has launched a mapping of development needs of international recruitment regarding nurses and created an ethically sustanable business model for recruitment

3 Start of the project in spring 2012
Proposals for the responsible actors re. cooperation, division of work, common rules of procedure and action Coordinated, functioning, flexible and ethically sustanaibale process of recruiting nurses from outside the EU/EEA area Modelling the process If needed, proposals re. reform of the legislation to the responsible actors Development of solutions to the identified problems Identification of the different phases of the project and their problems, the roles and resposabilities of the actors Practical recruitment projects to be identified with the employers 2012 2013 2015

4 State of play Information, awareness Validation, language skills
Analysis of the labour force needs in the helath care sector 10/2012 Information, awareness Joint preparation of proposals with different administrative brances for short term & long term Validation, language skills Language skills group, Ministry of Education and Culture Measures to launch/emphasize during the current government period Working life - Training & integration Information: Experiences of the ESF projects Care assistant training for the immigrants Work community training Quality of working life; Working Life 2020 State of play Assessment of the ancipation Cooperation & coordination

5 Preparations of long term proposals
Coming government period Future reviews Hearing of the labour market organisations and the different actors re. International recruitment Preliminary proposals ready by October 2014 Final proposals by the end of 2014

6 Challenges re. international recruitment
How to promote (in a controlled and coordinated way) international recruitment; how to make sure that the professional skills, the language required and the integration to the Finnish work places and society will be secured International recruitment is not the only option, but necessary International recruitment is a significant socio-political issue and it requires long term definitions of policy Also – how to improve the systematic anticipation of the labour market needs and its assessment

7 More information:

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