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Part 1 of 2 talks on College Options

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Presentation on theme: "Part 1 of 2 talks on College Options"— Presentation transcript:

1 Leaving Certificate 2018 presented by Niamh Mulcahy, Guidance Counsellor

2 Part 1 of 2 talks on College Options
Tonight we will discuss: The 5th year Guidance programme Where your daughter should now be in the decision- making process Part 2 November 2018, when we will discuss....

3 To be discussed in November 2018….
CAO application process Ranking choices Important dates, deadlines, potential pitfalls Finalising HEAR/DARE QQI (Quality & Qualifications Ireland) application process Guidance programme 2018/2019 continued Options for the School Leaver Expectations of 6th Year students

4 Further Education 1st major vocational decision Which course? How?

5 5th Year Guidance Programme
Guidance classes U.C.D Ambassador Programme Individual interview with GC, including feed-back re DATS (September –May) Careers Day

6 Careers Day 2018 The following career areas/course choices were represented here in school on March 15th Law, Science, Business, Primary Teaching, Arts & Humanities, Social Work, Hairdressing, Computer Science, The Construction Industry, Economics, Ecommerce, Personal Trainer, English, Food Science, Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Garda Síochána, Engineering, Nursing (Mental Health & Neurology), Communications, PR & Brand Management, HR Management, Agricultural Science/Agribusiness, Marketing, Music, Accountancy, Finance & Taxation, Speech & Language Therapy, Visual Arts, Sociology & Politics

7 Careers Day 2018 The following Universities, Institutes of Technology and other colleges were represented: UCD IADT Trinity College Dublin DCU DIT IT Tallaght National College of Ireland Griffith College Maynooth University Ballyfermot College of Further Education Royal College of Surgeons Eunicas (Studying in Europe)

8 Areas of Interest Specific - e.g. Nursing General – e.g. Arts
Tailored towards specific careers Early vocational choice Advantages & disadvantages General – e.g. Arts Huge variety Less tailored Post-graduate study likely

9 Drop-out rates in Third Level
As much as 30% in some courses Reasons vary Insufficient research Details re course content Attend Open Days Prioritising practical, ‘sensible’ choices over courses that would be a better fit Settling for their CAO offer rather than pursuing another route e.g. QQI FET Being very single-minded in pursuit of the perfect course

10 6th Year Guidance programme 2018/2019
Weekly Guidance classes, timetabled Information on options for the School Leaver School website, Classes, websites, Moodle, prospectuses, notice boards, assembly Every student will be given 2 individual appointments with Guidance Counsellor Students who are applying through DARE will each be given an additional appointment Students who are applying through UCAS will each be given an additional appointment CAO handbook Higher Options Wednesday, September 12th tbc Calendar of Career Events Procedure for Open Days Mock Interviews mid-October date tbc

11 Research College Literature Websites Accessing information
Overall college requirement (matriculation) NB course requirement Check course content Check grade/level required Check points of previous years Websites Individual college websites e.g. (look in detail about the details of all the modules that will be studied Accessing information Notice board, careers library, Moodle, career websites Higher Options Conference RDS September 2018 Assembly Guidance class once every week Individual appointments


13 Colleges of Further Education
Stand alone course or progression No central applications system No points required Leaving Certificate requirement (usually 5 passes) Some courses have specific requirements (e.g. 1 /2 HL) Interview normally Practical courses may require portfolio type submission Apply early!

14 3 criteria must be met in order to be offered a place in college through CAO
Matriculation (college requirement – e.g. UCD 2H5 & 4O6/H7, English O6/H7 & Maths O6/H7, Trinity College 3H5 & 3O6/H7) Course Requirements (in addition to matriculation requirements, e.g. Humanities UCD Language O6/H7, Computer Science TCD Language O6/H7 & Maths H4) Points – last year’s points are listed on

15 Matriculation UCD 2H5 & 4O6/H7 English & Irish O6/H7 (maths requirement for most courses, language requirement for many courses) Trinity College 3H5 & 3O6/H7 English & Irish/modern language O6/H7, Maths F6 DCU 2H5 & 4O6/H7 English/Irish/Maths DIT 2H5 & 4O6/H7 English/Irish/Maths IADT 2H5 & 4O6/H7 English ITT 2H5 & 4O6/H7 English/Irish Maths NCI 2H5 & 4O6/H7 For further details please visit

16 Points Supply & Demand Grades & Points Qualifax & CAO websites

17 New Points System Points HL Grade HL % Grade OL Points OL 100 H1
90-100 O1 56 88 H2 80-89 O2 46 77 H3 70-79 O3 37 66 H4 60-69 O4 28 H5 50-59 O5 20 H6 40-49 O6 12 H7 30-39 O7 H8 0-29 O8 Bonus of 25 points For H1-H6 in Maths

18 Studying in the U.K Finance Research college Research course
UK applications covered in extra class Thursday 1pm Extra work involved in this application Research should be done over the summer Guidance given in lunchtime class Started Thursday April 12th at 1pm in the computer room Please give 2 weeks notice for references required

19 UCAS UCAS class each week in term 3 of 5th year & continuing in early 6th year Procedure involved N. Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales 5 courses listed Combination of predicted grades, personal statement, reference, Junior Certificate grades October 15th (Oxford & Cambridge, also Medicine, Veterinary, Dentistry) January 15th the main deadline for all other applications, except art and design Route B (sequential); Summer preparation Courses & colleges selected Personal statement written Tests, if relevant Reasons for applying through UCAS

20 EUNiCAS EUNiCAS is the European Universities Central Application Support Service. EUNiCAS is unique. It enables UK and Irish [and other EU] students to apply to up to eight degree programmes , taught through English, in universities across Europe. In addition to accessing comprehensive and independent information on programmes in Europe, you can, on registering with us, access: > independent advice on choosing your programme > expert support in applying to your chosen programmes > guidance on all elements of your application package, incl Letters of Motivation [Personal Statements] and Entrance Tests > regular updates on new programmes and developments > assistance in organising university visits > alerts on extended deadlines and late vacancies ..... so, if you want to take part in the new era of transnational university education, register now at (€28)

21 Preparation Needed - general
Over the summer…. Research and preparation Advice has been given re the research required Career & course research on In-depth research on each institution’s website Some students need to address their academic work Realistic goals re summer work Rest & relaxation also important! International students requirements Direct contact with the admissions office of each institution for non-EU applicants as well as CAO Fee status NUI language exemption

22 Access to Third Level Application systems through CAO for students who may meet the criteria for one or both of the following routes: HEAR – for school leavers from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds DARE – for school leavers whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education

23 Access to Third Level - HEAR
HEAR – The Higher Education Access Route Extra college support/reduced points for school leavers from socio- economically disadvantaged backgrounds may be available for you Benefits of HEAR Reduced points places Extra college support (academic, personal, social) Separate to the grant system If you think your daughter may be eligible please research this route on Supporting documentation will need to be submitted – gather this early February 1st Apply to CAO March 1st – On your CAO form indicate that you wish to be considered for HEAR April 1st – Submit supporting documentation

24 HEAR Indicators

25 Access to Third Level - HEAR
Different combinations of these indicators determine eligibility for HEAR Indicator /5/6 Indicator /5/6 Indicator /6 HEAR Income Limit is calculated by: How many children there are in your family How many people in your family are in full time education No. of dependent children HEAR Income Limit Less than 4 €45,790 4-7 €50,325 More than 8 €54,630

26 Access to Third Level - DARE
DARE – The Disability Access Route to Education For school leavers who may not be able to reach the points required for their course because of a disability Alternative admissions scheme for school-leavers whose disabilities have had a negative impact on their second level education DARE offers reduced points places to school leavers who, as a result of having a disability, have experienced additional educational challenges in second level education If you are deemed eligible for DARE, you may be offered a place even if you do not have enough Leaving Certificate points for your preferred course Each participating college/university has a reserved no. of places to offer eligible DARE applicants at lower/reduced Leaving Certificate points

27 Access to Third Level - DARE
Autism ADHD Blind/Vision Impaired Deaf/Hard of Hearing Developmental Co-ordination Disorder (DCD – Dyspraxia/Dysgraphia) Mental Health Condition Neurological Condition (e.g. Epilepsy) Speech & Language Communication Disorder Physical Disability Significant On-going Illness Specific Learning Difficulty *(e.g. dyslexia/dyscalculia)

28 Verification of disability
Evidence of disability must be completed by an appropriate professional (full details listed on E.G. of disability Type of documentation Appropriate professional Required age of report Specific Learning Difficulty Full psych-educational assessment Psychologist Any age but up to date attainment scores must be included Mental Health Condition Evidence of disability form 2017 or existing report Consultant Psychiatrist on Specialist Register Must be less than 3 years old ASD Consultant Psychiatrist/ Psychologist/ Neurologist/ Paediatrician No age limit

29 Applying to DARE February 1st 2019 - Apply to CAO
If you have difficulty accessing the appropriate professional, your GP may be in a position to complete the form or you may be able to use an existing report Educational Impact Statement must completed by the student and the school. It must be evident that the disability has had an impact on the student’s education in a number of ways, e.g. An impact on exam results because of this disability Attendance /disruption because of this disability School experience & well-being because of this disability Interventions & support received in school Time issues February 1st Apply to CAO March 1st – On your CAO form indicate that you wish to be considered for HEAR April 1st – Submit supporting documentation

30 Financing Third Level Online application system for grants is expected to open in April 2019 SUSI offers funding for students studying in approved fulltime third level courses Grants are awarded based on family income E.g. <€49,840 and less than 4 dependent children = student contribution fee paid by grant E.g. <€39,875 and less than 4 dependent children= student contribution fee & maintenance grant if college is >45 km from home Eligibility reckoner on Supporting documentation must be submitted so apply early (expected date in April 2017)

31 Advice available for students and parents
Subject Teachers Levels for Leaving Certificate Approach to exam Year Heads Class Teachers Guidance Counsellor

32 Points to note Your experience of higher and further education
Suggesting courses which will lead to ‘good’ jobs Perceptions about different HEIs and CFEs Projecting your own desires The importance of back-up & what can go wrong

33 Reasonable Accommodations
Learning Difficulties Physical Difficulties Medical Difficulties Waiver/Reader/Use of Laptop/Separate Centre/Small Centre/ Please contact me as soon as possible if you feel your daughter may be eligible Up to date testing must be carried out in school for those who have a diagnosis of dyslexia/SLD Processing of applications for RACE is expected to happen in school in October

34 At this stage ….. Decisions re pursuing restricted courses (e.g. art portfolio) Decisions re pursuing applications to colleges overseas Research HEAR especially in relation to supporting documentation Research DARE especially in relation to supporting documentation Research the grant system in good time Keep an open mind re CAO and QQI FET awards

35 What we expect from our Leaving Certificate students
No part-time jobs unless she is managing very well Full attendance and punctuality Homework time Revision time Supervised study/Space for study Some leisure time

36 Next meeting in November 2018
Please check the school calendar for details We will then discuss the next stage in preparing for your daughter’s application to college

37 Questions?????

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