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Hurricanes in 2015 By Lola Venditozzi.

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Presentation on theme: "Hurricanes in 2015 By Lola Venditozzi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hurricanes in 2015 By Lola Venditozzi

2 Tropical storms and hurricanes
A hurricane is a tropical cyclone occurring in the North Atlantic Ocean. It is a rapidly rotating storm system with low pressured centre, strong winds and a spiralling arrangement of thunder storms that produce heavy rain.

3 Hurricane map of the Atlantic Ocean
This is a map of the hurricane regions of the North Atlantic Ocean. The blue dots indicate where a hurricane could form. Countries that may be affected are West Africa, The West indies, Eastern North America and the North Eastern areas of South America. Although a storm can happen at any time, the hurricane season is officially from June 1- November 30, 2015.

4 How hurricanes occur A hurricane occurs by warm air rising from the sea. Clouds begin to form around the outer edge of the eye, creating a so called ‘stadium effect’. This is where the greatest winds are formed. There are 2 types of wind fields where air circulates in different ways. The primary circulation is the worst. However, in the centre of a hurricane, called the eye, warm air sinks. In a strong storm, the eye may appear calm in the sky with no clouds but have a raging sea.

5 Hurricane Fred Hurricane Fred was a recent and unique tropical storm. It was the easternmost tropical atlantic hurricane. It was the very first warning for the Cape Verde Islands off the West cpast of Africa.

6 Cape verde islands

7 Satellite images This is the first ever satellite view of a hurricane in this region since weather sattelites were launched in to space in the 1960s.

8 Me watching a satellite
This Summer in Florida, I was lucky enough to see one of these weather satellites being launched at the Kennedy Space Centre in Cape Canaveral.

9 Hurricanes in 2015 1 Tropical Storm Ana 3.2 Tropical Storm Bill
3.3 Tropical Storm Claudette 3.4 Hurricane Danny 3.5 Tropical Storm Erika 3.6 Hurricane Fred 3.7 Tropical Storm Grace

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