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What historical developments influenced modern ideas of individual rights? Lesson 3.

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1 What historical developments influenced modern ideas of individual rights?
Lesson 3

2 Judeo-Christian Heritage
The people of the colonial times were deeply religious. many of there ideas came from the Christian Bible. Since the colonies were a very diverse area, religion was never an agreed upon topic. As a result, even though there was a common framework of beliefs, religion could not be relied on as the only foundation for the new government.

3 Religious influences Several things in religious teaching were important to nearly every individual, thus applied. Unlike classical republicanism, individuals were seen as important. Each citizen has dignity and worth; something to offer. This confirmed what John Locke had been writing, each individual in a society should have the ability to pursue and obtain individual rights.

4 The Church and Government
Throughout history, church officials have often had just as much power and authority as Kings, Queens, and Princes. In some cases, the Church has had more power than the government. Strictly from a historical basis, individuals have always seen the Church as a higher authority.

5 The Middle Ages During the Middle Ages individuals were very isolated. There was little travel, and even less sense of a government that worked at a larger level. The only institution that spread itself widely, was the Church. The Church also went hand in hand with the Roman Empire. This was a major example of government for the colonists. Therefore, the Church would only naturally be seen in the same light at this time.

6 feudalism = Bad Feudalism was the idea that land was traded for service. Feudalism is an example of classical republicanism

7 Renaissance This time period of re-birth in intellectual ideas would contribute to colonists’ ideas on government. Feudalism was now obsolete, people could work and live in ways of their choosing.

8 Nation-States As people became more connected to the rest of the world, governments began to expand as well. National-Sovereignty began to take shape. Groups began to take control of their territories/land.

9 Capitalism Capitalism was a new development in economics.
This economic system allowed private ownership and decision making when it came to business. This new sense of freedom in decision making would heavily influence the goals of groups later on in history; Americans!

10 Enlightenment Was a new emphasis on human reason and observation.
Philosophers like Francis Bacon, believed that human behavior could be understood, predicted, and controlled. Applying these ideas to specific situations, allowed individuals to form the perfect government for specific nations.

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