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The Theory of Plate Tectonics 4-5 Notes

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1 The Theory of Plate Tectonics 4-5 Notes

2 The Theory of Plate Tectonics
Pieces of Earth’s lithosphere (plates) are in constant, slow motion, driven by convection currents in the mantle.

3 The Theory of Plate Tectonics
+ Combines what geologists knew about sea-floor spreading, Earth’s plates, and continental drift into a single theory.

4 Key Points The lithosphere is broken into separate sections called plates.

5 Key Points The plates float on top of the asthenosphere. CRUST
Rigid Mantle The plates float on top of the asthenosphere.

6 Key Points Movement of convection currents cause plates to move.

7 The Mosh Pit we call Earth’s Surface
No plate can budge without affecting the other plates surrounding it. As the plates move, they collide, pull apart, or grind past each other. Causes changes in Earth’s surface (volcanoes, mountain ranges, deep-sea trenches)

8 Speaking of Mosh Pit Analogies…
You can think of plate movements like crowd surfing. where are the convection currents…and where is the lithospheric plate?

9 Plate Boundaries Are where the edges of different plates meet.
3 Types of plate boundaries:

10 Transform Boundaries Where two plates slip past each other, moving in opposite directions. Produces: earthquakes Example – The San Andreas Fault

11 Divergent Boundaries Where two plates move apart.
Produces: eruptions of molten material, new crust + earthquakes Examples – mid-ocean ridge & the Great Rift Valley in East Africa

12 Convergent Boundaries
Where two plates come together. Produces: volcanoes or mountain ranges, + earthquakes Examples – Himalayas (India) & Aleutian Islands (Alaska)

13 Convergent Boundaries
Density determines which plate will come out on top.

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