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Post Cold War America AP US History.

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1 Post Cold War America AP US History

2 9.3 I C. The end of the Cold War led not only to new diplomatic relationships but also to new U.S. military and peacekeeping interventions as well as debates over the nature and extent of American power in the world. President George H.W. Bush (CC #44 3:50-6:45) End of the Cold War First Iraq War Saddam Hussein Invasion of Kuwait (1990) Operation Desert Storm (1991) President Bill Clinton (CC #45 0:54-2:12) Africa: Rwanda Former Yugoslavia/Balkans Terrorism NYC (7), Oklahoma City (168), Africa (223), USS Cole (17)

3 President George W. Bush (CC #46: 5:23-10:57)
9.3 II A. In the wake of attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, U.S. decision-makers launched foreign policy and military efforts against terrorism and lengthy, controversial conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq. President George W. Bush (CC #46: 5:23-10:57) 9/11 Attacks (3) al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden The Bush Doctrine Afghanistan: Taliban Hunt for Bin Laden Nation Building – Afghan Security Forces Obama – Drone War Iraq: Causes: WMD, Hussein, Establish Democracy Civil War & Difficulties Obama: US Leaves Iraq (2011)/Problems

4 President George W. Bush
9.2 II B. The war on terrorism sought to improve security within the United States but also raised questions about the protection of civil liberties and human rights. President George W. Bush The Home Front: Limits on Civil Liberties? Department of Homeland Security Patriot Act Guantanamo Bay (2) Surveillance (Bush & Obama)

5 9.3 II C. Conflicts in the Middle East and concerns about climate change led to debates over US dependence on fossil fuels and the impact of economic consumption on the environment. 9.3 II D. Despite economic and foreign policy challenges, the United States continued as the world’s leading superpower in the 21st century.

6 Evaluate changes in American foreign policy 1973-2011?
Practice Question Evaluate changes in American foreign policy ?

7 9.2 I New developments in science and technology enhanced the economy and transformed society, while manufacturing decreased. A. Economic productivity increased as improvements in digital communications enable increased American participation in worldwide economic activities. (what does your phone do? – used to be separate/expensive machines) B. Technological innovations in computing, digital mobile technology, and the Internet transformed daily life, increased access to information and led to new social behaviors and networks. C. Employment increased in service sectors and decreased in in manufacturing, and union membership declined. Deindustrialization (auto, steel), rise of service jobs (high/low end), union decline (PATCO) D. Real wages stagnated for the working and middle class amid growing economic inequality. wage distribution/stagnation

8 9.2 II The U.S. population continued to undergo demographic shifts that had profound cultural and political consequences. A. After 1980, the political, economic, and cultural influences of the American South and West continued to increase as population shifted to those areas. Sunbelt Migration (2) B. International migration from Latin America and Asia increased dramatically. The new immigrants affected US culture in many ways and supplied the economy with an important labor force Immigration Act of 1965 Immigration Act of 1986 Modern Immigration Map C. Intense political and cultural debates continued over issues such as immigration policy, diversity, gender roles, and family structures.

9 Practice Question Compare and contrast the patterns of immigration in the period 1880 to 1921 to the patterns of immigration in the period 1965 to 2010.

10 Saddam Hussein & Kuwait

11 Operation Desert Storm

12 Somalia

13 Former Yugoslavia/Balkans

14 Terrorism (Clockwise Top: NYC, Africa, Cole, OK City)

15 Attack on NYC World Trade Center

16 Attack on the Pentagon

17 Flight 93

18 Osama Bin Laden

19 Abu Ghraib

20 Patriot Act

21 Guantanamo Bay

22 Guantanamo Bay

23 De-Industrialization

24 Rise of Service Jobs

25 Decline in Unionization

26 Rise of Service Jobs

27 Income Distribution

28 North American Free Trade Agreement

29 Sunbelt Migration

30 Sunbelt Migration

31 Modern Immigration

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