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Supplemental Figure 6 BCL-2 MCL1.

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1 Supplemental Figure 6 BCL-2 MCL1


3 BCL-W Gene expression of BCL-2 family members in normal hematopoietic and AML subsets according to cytogenetic abnormality were derived from BloodPool, an aggregated and integrated dataset which groups the results of multiple studies focusing on AML as described in Bagger et al. A strip chart of gene expression for each gene is presented, where the width of the data cloud shows how many samples have similar values. Affymetrix datasets were corrected by partitioning into batches (platform and origin) prior to Robust Multichip Average (RMA) normalization. ComBat was used to correct for batch effect. Fold changes for AML samples vs. normal are compared to their nearest normal counterpart, as described by Rapin et al. Bagger FO, Sasivarevic D, Sohi SH, et al. BloodSpot: a database of gene expression profiles and transcriptional programs for healthy and malignant haematopoiesis. Nucleic acids research. 2016;44(D1):D917-D924. Rapin N, Bagger FO, Jendholm J, et al. Comparing cancer vs normal gene expression profiles identifies new disease entities and common transcriptional programs in AML patients. Blood. 2014;123(6):

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