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GOALS OF CD 1. To achieve development objectives

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1 GOALS OF CD 1. To achieve development objectives
* Every program at community level has specific objectives * Collective objectives at local level become objectives at district and state levels

2 * CD objectives should be in accordance with the goals at ministry and national levels.
Objectives goals at local level at ministry or national level Eg. Increase average Eg. To eradicate household income poverty from RM600 to RM900 in 2003

3 To develop functional social institution
CD is based on principle of working in a group Indirectly, CD encourages the development of working committee, association, institution – all are having functions (functional) Eg. JKKK (VDSC) Youth Association Women’s Club

4 3. To strengthen community solidarity
Strengthens interpersonal communication Through CD program, one knows each other in the community Towards community cohesiveness

5 4. Towards the development of local leadership
All group initiatives need leaders Leaders - 2 types (a) Formal leaders - Elected formally - Have affiliation with an organization/agencies

6 Eg. District Officer Health Officer - Structured roles and functions - Have authority

7 b. Non-formal Leader Elected informally
Due to influence in the community because of reputation, expertise, popularity, etc. Eg. Village Head, JKKK, Religious leaders Pensioners (doctors, teachers)

8 5. To mobilize human resources
People are important community resources Labour (administer, planner, workers) CD process is HRD process Therefore, the more active the CD program is, the better mobilization of the human resources in the community

9 To increase the capability of community to face challenges
To prepare people through educational process (non-formal) The emergence of social institutions facilitates this CD goal

10 * Challenges: Fluctuations in commodity price (eg. Palm oil – effect on palm oil farmers) ICT and education. Influence of mass media. Changes in demographic profiles (age, working parents).

11 7. To encourage participation at local level
Planning Implementation with and Gaining the benefits by the of development people

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