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Ages in law quiz How old do you have to be to..

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Presentation on theme: "Ages in law quiz How old do you have to be to.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ages in law quiz 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 How old do you have to be to..
Buy a knife 2 Become criminal responsible in law 3 Possess a licence for a shotgun 4 Purchase adult fireworks 5 Purchase an air rifle 6 Become an adult in criminal law 7 Purchase category 1 indoor fireworks e.g. party poppers Activity 1a Why Weapons? Ages in law Quiz PowerPoint

2 Become criminally responsible in law Possessed a licence for shotgun
Ages in law quiz Answers How old do you have to be to.. 18 10 16 17 Buy a knife Become criminally responsible in law Possessed a licence for shotgun Purchase adult fireworks Purchase an air rifle Become an adult in criminal law Purchase category 1 indoor fireworks e.g. party poppers Activity 1a Why Weapons? Ages in law Quiz PowerPoint

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