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#10 True/False You have more bones than muscles in your body

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1 #10 True/False You have more bones than muscles in your body
FALSE!!! You have 206 bones approximately 700 muscles

2 The Skeletal System

3 What is the skeletal system?
Bones, cartilage, and the connective tissue that hold them together make up your skeletal system.

4 STRUCTURE OF SKELETON When you were born you had more than 300 bones. There are about 206 bones found in an adult skeleton.

5 The Skeletal System 22 vertebra 2 mandible –lower jaw 4 1 3 5 6
Rib cage Cranium (skull) Cervical vertebrae (neck bones) Clavicle (collarbone) Scapula (shoulder blade) Sternum (breastbone) Tarsals (ankle) Metatarsals (foot) Femur (thighbone) Patella (kneecap) Tibia (shinbone) Fibula Humerus (upper arm) Ulna Radius Carpals (wrist) Metacarpals (hand) Phalanges (fingers and toes) Thoracic vertebrae (upper back) Lumbar vertebrae (lower back) Pelvis 2 mandible –lower jaw 4 1 3 5 22 vertebra (backbone) 6 8 Floating rib 11. 7 10 15 9 16 12 17 13 18 21 14 19 20

6 Floating rib??? Not connected to your sternum Connected to your spine
Most people floating ribs on their 11th & 12th pair of ribs Why might these be present??

7 What are bones made of??

8 Functions of Bones 1. PROTECTION – Provides a rigid surface for protection of vital organs EX: cranium protects the brain 2. SHAPE & SUPPORT - Organs and tissues of the body are held in place by the skeleton. The framework of your body. 3. MOVEMENT – Bones provide a base for muscle attachment. It allows movement of the body through using the bones as levers. 4. PRODUCTION & STORAGE – some bones provide a site for manufacture of red blood cells and storage of minerals in marrow. (calcium and phosphorus)

9 Bone Structure Bone is composed of connective tissue and minerals. Minerals are deposited by living cells called osteoblasts. (bone builders that add bone to the outside surface, enlarging and elongating the bone)

10 Bone Tissue 1. Compact bone tissue does not have any visible open spaces. 2. Spongy bone tissue has many open spaces.



13 Heavy, dense, strong bone tissue
TYPES OF BONE TISSUE 1. COMPACT BONE TISSUE Heavy, dense, strong bone tissue Ivory appearance & covers the complete bone Tiny canals inside contain small blood vessels

14 Strong, hard & less dense than compact bone
TYPES OF BONE TISSUE continued 2. Spongy bone Honeycomb appearance Strong, hard & less dense than compact bone Provides most of the strength and support for the body

15 What’s in Bone? Marrow-soft tissue found in bone 1. Red marrow- produces red blood cells 2. Yellow marrow- replaces red marrow as we mature and is made up mainly of fat.


17 Bone Marrow Long bones have an internal cavity filled with bone marrow
Makes red and white blood cells Approx. 5 billion red cells per day Humans have about half pound bone marrow

18 Cartilage Most bones start out as cartilage
Cartilage contains mostly water giving it a rubbery texture End of your nose and top of your ear are made of cartilage Cartilage can be found on ends of the bones It is important at joints where it absorbs shock and makes movement easier

19 Does this animal have a skeleton?

20 Exoskeletons! Structure & support, protection, sense of touch

21 Does this animal have a skeleton?
Body structure is supported by water

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