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Change Agent: Communication Plans for Change Initiative

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1 Change Agent: Communication Plans for Change Initiative
Your Name Your School Professor’s Name Date

2 Objectives Considerations of change Triggers of change
Importance of communication in change process Communication plan References Today we are going to be discussing potential communication plans for our change initiative. The objectives for our meeting today is to discuss the considerations of change, the triggers of change, and the importance of communication in the overall change process. Then, we are going to tie that all in to the creation of a communication plan. The objectives I just mentioned are critical to discuss prior to the distribution of our new automated production system. You will note that the underlying theme of this is communication. As you will soon discover or reaffirm, communication is key and critical to implementing and evaluating a change process. In our case, it is the distribution of our new automated production system.

3 Considerations of Change as it Relates to Communication
Change agents are responsible for evaluating stakeholders (internal and external) Change agents are responsible for factoring cultural connotations Change agents are responsible for creating milestone evaluations There are three primary considerations of change for most change initiatives in which change agents are responsible for. They are as follows: Evaluate stakeholders (internal and external) Factor cultural connotations Create milestone evaluation Evaluate stakeholders (internal and external) – It will be important to evaluate the stakeholders within our change initiative of the distribution of our new automated production system because these people will most-likely be involved in the project's implementation. In addition, they may be in decision-making positions for funding the initiative (both now and in the future), or may even be directly impacted by the initiative. If you have premature and uninterrupted association with the stakeholders, you will amplify the chances that your findings will also be used by them. Their involvement means that they will have a say in the data being gathered and they will feel a sense of possession of it. Factor cultural connotations – It will be important to factor cultural connotations in a change initiative because within our change initiative of the distribution of our new automated production system because the development of the organization and, predominantly, how we handle change has a direct impact on the overall success of our organization. The interactions of our overall work culture has a direct affect on the augmentation of their effectiveness ultimately leading to a success. Work culture has a huge influence on daily efficiency and continuous enhancement. Create milestone evaluation - It will be important to create milestones followed by an evaluation within our change initiative of the distribution of our new automated production system because it is vital to track all change by looking at the affirmed goals and objectives of the project and determine if the initiative needs to be altered. It is a means of determining any progression or regression.

4 Triggers of Change in Relation to Communication
Outside triggers Economy Globalization Development of technology Competition Inside triggers Poor performance Tendencies Change itself Organizations stay alive within a vibrant surrounding that is subject to change as a result of the impact of the triggers mentioned above. In order to carry on to operating efficiently within an ever-changing environment, organizations have to change as a reaction to inside and outside initiated change. Efficient change management communication calls for an consideration of the potential results of change upon the employees, and how to manage the communication as it relates to resistance to that change. Change can be said to occur where there is an imbalance between the current state and the environment. Organizations must follow all market transformations that are applicable to the bulleted triggers and change their communication accordingly. The principal role of communication during such triggers is to guarantee that the multiplicity of signals established from the environments and the communication procedures are constantly informed by the information and standpoints of all employees within the organization.

5 Importance of Communication in Change Process
Vertically across management Management to their subordinates Development of teams Creating and fostering Confidence Based on our current situation, communication during this change initiative wouldn’t take up a large amount of time or resources. It would engage employees to think about communication in the broader context of the change initiative. What will be necessary is management’s dedication across all lines to actively lead the coordinated change initiative with specific objectives. The conception of the preliminary announcement and communication approach will need the lively, hands-on participation of top leaders and it must trickle down to their subordinates. The transition period will give opportunities to use announcements to create support, amplify involvement, and preserve performance amongst pre-selected teams. The formation of these teams will help to create and foster confidence and keep the organization centered on critical precedences and goals. Effective communication in the change process will significantly augment the efficiency of leadership within the organization, which in turn, can make all employees have a desire to be on-board.

6 Communication Plan We are currently in Phase Two of our Communication Plan. Our communication plan will first consist of transmitting the needs analysis that was conducted in regards to the new automated production system. This will be communicated directly to upper management. In our case, upper management already viewed the needs analysis and considers the new automated production system to be suiting for all potential users. As with all of the communication plan events, the person in charge of communicating the events will be the Change Mgt. Analyst. In order to proceed with the next event, the Change Mgt. Director must sign off on it. The audience is currently being conducted, and once that is completed, it too, will be transmitted to upper management for them to view and approve. An evaluation report of the new automated production system project will be completed, and here too, upper management will have to view and approve this. If approved, a formal memo will be sent to upper management which will consist of an approval to transmit the new automated production system design to all employees – again – this is the ‘trickle down’ process. The last phase of the Communication Plan involves an evaluation to be conducted and send out to all employees. Once all employees become aware of the new automated production system initiative (Phase 5), it is necessary to include them in all future correspondences.

7 References Rowley, R. (2007). Organize with chaos. Cirencester: Management Books. Schon, D. (1983). The reflective practitioner. New York: Basic Books. Senge, P. (2004). Presence. Cambridge, MA.

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