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The Power of Listening                         .

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Presentation on theme: "The Power of Listening                         ."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power of Listening                         

2 I. What is Listening? A. Listening: the process of receiving, constructing meaning from, and responding to spoken and/or nonverbal messages; to hear something with thoughtful attention B. Effective communication is 2-way depends on speaking and listening

3 II. Listening vs. Hearing
A. Hearing- physical process; natural; passive B. Listening- physical & mental process; active; learned process; a skill C. Listening is hard! You must choose to participate in the process of listening.

4 III. Fast Facts A. We listen at 125-250 wpm, think at 1000-3000 wpm
B. 75% of the time we are distracted, preoccupied or forgetful C. 20% of the time, we remember what we hear D. More than 35% of businesses think listening is a top skill for success E. Less than 2% of people have had formal education with listening

5 V. Barriers to Listening
A. Equate With Hearing B. Uninteresting Topics C. Speaker’s Delivery D. External Distractions E. Mentally Preparing Response F. Listening for Facts G. Personal Concerns H. Personal Bias I. Language/Culture Differences J. Faking Attention

6 VI. Bad Listening Habits
A. Criticizing the subject or the speaker B. Getting over-stimulated C. Listening only for facts D. Not taking notes OR outlining everything E. Tolerating or creating distraction F. Letting emotional words block message G. Wasting time difference between speed of speech and speed of thought

7 VII. Active Listening A. Allows you to make sure you hear the words and understand the meaning behind the words B. Goal: Go beyond listening to understanding

8 VIII. Active Listening Requires…
A. Definite Intent to Listen B. Focus on the Speaker C. Verbal and Non-Verbal Encouragers D. Feedback Loop to Insure Accuracy

9 IX. Active Listening in 4 Steps
Question Reflect-Paraphrase Agree

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