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Model-Driven Software Development

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Presentation on theme: "Model-Driven Software Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Model-Driven Software Development
Some Essential Best Practices Markus Völter

2 Markus Völter About me Independent Consultant
Independent Consultant Based out of Heidenheim, Germany Focus on Software Architecture Model-Driven Software Development Middleware

3 Before we start… I Model-Driven Software Development is about making software development more domain-related as opposed to computing related. It is also about making software development in a certain domain more efficient.

4 Before we start … II: MDSD on a Slide
several Metametamodel target subdomains software software design expertise architecture architecture bounded area of partial composable knowlege/interest knowledge multiple multi-step transform viewpoint Domain single-step compile Model semantics Ontology interpret no precise/ roundtrip Domain executable Specific Language graphical Metamodel textual

5 Before we start … III: MDSD and MDA
MOF several target Metametamodel software software subdomains architecture architecture design expertise bounded area of partial composable knowlege/interest PIM, PSM, .... QVT multiple multi-step transform viewpoint Domain single-step compile Model semantics Ontology interpret no precise/ Domain roundtrip executable Specific OCL, Action Semantics Language UML+ Profiles graphical Metamodel textual Focus: Platform Independence, (Tool) Interop

6 Best Practices Domain Architecture Tools Process Multi Model
C O N T E N T S Domain Architecture Domain Metamodelling Code Generation Tools Features And Structure An Example Process Multi Model Architecture and CBD Adopting MDSD Model-Driven Software Development Best Practices

7 Best Practices Domain Architecture Tools Process Multi Model
C O N T E N T S Domain Architecture Domain Metamodelling Code Generation Tools Features And Structure An Example Process Multi Model Architecture and CBD Adopting MDSD Model-Driven Software Development Best Practices

8 How do I come up with a good metamodel?
Incrementally! Based on experience from previous projects, and by „mining“ domain experts. A very good idea is to start with a (typically) very well known domain: the target software architecture (platform)  Architecture-Centric MDSD

9 Talk Metamodel In order to continuously improve and validate the FORMAL META MODEL for a domain, it has to be exercised with domain experts as well as by the development team. In order to achieve this, it is a good idea to use it during discussions with stakeholders by formulating sentences using the concepts in the meta model. As soon as you find that you cannot express something using sentences based on the meta model, you have to reformulate the sentence the sentence’s statement is just wrong you have to update the meta model.

10 A component owns any number of ports.
Talk Metamodel II Example: A component owns any number of ports. Each port implements exactly one interface. There are two kinds of ports: required ports and provided ports. A provided port provides the operations defined by its interface. A required port provides access to operations defined by its interface.

11 Best Practices Domain Architecture Tools Process Multi Model
C O N T E N T S Domain Architecture Domain Metamodelling Code Generation Tools Features And Structure An Example Process Multi Model Architecture and CBD Adopting MDSD Model-Driven Software Development Best Practices

12 Hence you may generate much more than code:
Leverage the Model The information captured in a model should be leveraged to avoid duplication and to minimize manual tasks. Hence you may generate much more than code: user guides help text test data build script content, etc. Find the right balance between the effort required for automating manual tasks and the effort of repetitively performing manual tasks Make use of SELECT FROM BUY, BUILD, OR OPEN SOURCE in your assessment.

13 Separate Generated and Non-Generated Code
Keep generated and non-generated code in separate files. Never modify generated code. Design an architecture that clearly defines which artifacts are generated, and which are not. Use suitable design approaches to “join” generated and non-generated code. Interfaces as well as design patterns such as factory, strategy, bridge, or template method are good starting points.

14 Separate Generated and Non-Generated Code II
A) Generated code can call non-generated code contained in libraries B) A non-generated framework can call generated parts. C) Factories can be used to „plug-in“ the generated building blocks D) Generated classes can also subclass non-generated classes. E) The base class can also contain abstract methods that it calls, they are implemented by the generated subclasses (template method pattern)

15 Produce Nice-Looking Code … whenever possible!
PRODUCE NICE-LOOKING CODE … WHEREVER POSSIBLE! When designing your code generation templates, also keep the developer in mind who has to – at least to some extent – work with the generated code, for example When verifying the generator Or debugging the generated code Using this pattern helps to gain acceptance for code generation in general. Examples: Comments Use pretty printers/code formatters Location string („generated from model::xyz“)

16 Best Practices Domain Architecture Tools Process Multi Model
C O N T E N T S Domain Architecture Domain Metamodelling Code Generation Tools Features And Structure An Example Process Multi Model Architecture and CBD Adopting MDSD Model-Driven Software Development Best Practices

17 Tools: Overview Many kinds of tools can be used in the context of model driven development: UML modelling tools Metamodelling environments (XMI) Repositories Code Generators Model verifiers There is also a large amount of tools that are „MDA certified“. These range from completely integrated environments such as ArcStyler to simple code generators or technology specific generators (e.g. for J2EE).

18 Tools: Vendor Lock-in Because a lot of issues are not yet standardized, it is hard to integrate tools. Open issues include: Some XMI aspects Specification of model transformation rules Code generation ... As a consequence, integrated MDD/MDA tooling is currently impossible to achieve without vendor lock-in. Alternatively, building/integrating your own tooling based on open source can be done, but requires compromises. Many tools are exemplified in the context of code generation (see other presentation). Build Tools are also important. UML tools (such as Rational XDE) also develop in the direction of supporting MDA.

19 MOF Based Metamodelling, including OCL
Tools: The Ideal One MOF Based Metamodelling, including OCL Usage of thses metamodels for subsequent modeling of M1 Metamodel specific repositoriy GUI adapted to metamodel Model Validation based on metamodel Also including OCL Transformation rules based on user-defined metamodels Flexible Code Generation Test support

20 Implement the Metamodel
Implement the meta model in some tool that can read a model and check it against the meta model. This check needs to include everything including declared constraints. Make sure the model is only transformed if the model has been validated against the meta model. The meta model implementation is typically part of the transformation engine or code generator since a valid model is a precondition for successful transformation.

21 Ignore Concrete Syntax
Define transformations based on the source and target meta models. The transformer uses a three phase approach: first parse the input model into some in-memory representation of the meta model (typically an object structure), then transforms the input model to the output model (still as an object structure) and finally unparse the target model to a concrete syntax

22 Transformations as first class citizens
Transformations (and Templates) are central assets in MDSD. You should treat them accordingly. Transformations should be versioned. Refactor transformations to keep them current and well organized. Modularize transformations, e.g. using object-oriented concepts such as encapsulation, polymorphism, inheritance, etc.

23 Modular, Automated Transforms
In order to more easily reuse parts of a transformation, it is a good idea to modularize a transform. Note that in contrast to the OMG, we do not recommend looking at, changing or marking the intermediate models. They are merely a standardized format for exchanging data among the transformations. Example: Multi-Step transformation from a banking-specific DSL to Java via J2EE

24 External Model Markings (AO-Modelling)
In order to allow the transformation of a source model into a target model (or to generate code) it is sometimes necessary to provide “support” information that is specific to the target meta model. Example: Entity Bean vs. Type Manager Adding these to the source model “pollutes” the source model with concepts specific to the target model. MDA proposes to add “model markings”, but this currently supported well by only very few tools. Instead, we recommend keeping this information outside of the model (e.g. in an XML file); the transformation engine would use this auxiliary information when executing the transformations.

25 Best Practices Domain Architecture Tools Process Multi Model
C O N T E N T S Domain Architecture Domain Metamodelling Code Generation Tools Features And Structure An Example Process Multi Model Architecture and CBD Adopting MDSD Model-Driven Software Development Best Practices

26 Example Tool: openArchitectureWare Generator
Open Source, quite active project Core Features: Can Read any model (XMI from various UML tools, UML, textual, JDBC, Java classes …) Can generate any kind of output Explicit Domain-Metamodel (implemented in Java) Semi-Declarative Metamodel Constraints, „Functional Programming“ Simple, efficient template language Template Polymorphism and Template overwriting Multi-Model (Merging-Support)

27 Example Tool: openArchitectureWare Generator
Core Features cont‘d: Inter-Model References among various model syntaxes (i.e. UML to XML) Support for Aspects in the metamodel and in the templates Arbitrary Namespace Models can be supported Plugin-Based Generator configuration (ant-based) Additional Features: Syntax-Highlighting Template Editor for Eclipse Metamodel can be generated from UML model, incl. DTD, HTML Docs, etc. Graphical GEF-Based Editors can be generated Dialog-Based Editors can be generated Framework for building IDEs based on this Generator Future Features EMF Integration, Visio Integration

28 Example Tool: openArchitectureWare Generator
How it works:

29 Example Tool: openArchitectureWare Generator
Usage Examples Web Development (J2EE, Servlets, Struts) Banking, Insurances Mobile Phone Software (C++ + QT, J2ME + Java) Embedded Software (C, CANbus, Osek) Automotive Component Middleware (Interactive) Web sites Architectural Management, „Entertainment) Multi-Platform Middleware (XML, C++, Java, …) Radioastronomy

30 Best Practices Domain Architecture Tools Process Multi Model
C O N T E N T S Domain Architecture Domain Metamodelling Code Generation Tools Features And Structure An Example Process Multi Model Architecture and CBD Adopting MDSD Model-Driven Software Development Best Practices

31 Defining DSLs is, however, something completely different:
Teaming issues Using DSLs is not very different from “normal” programming – every developer can basically do it. Defining DSLs is, however, something completely different: Finding the „right“ abstractions, defining metamodels, keeping the various metalevels sorted, etc. is not everybody‘s business. Some of the tools to define metamodels, DSLs, generators and model-2-model transformations are not (yet) intuitively usable. Therefore I recommend to keep DSL/generator development to a limited group of people in your project.

32 Iterative Dual Track Development
Develop Domain Architecture and at least one application at the same time. Establish rapid feedback from application developers to domain architecture developers. Develop both aspects iteratively and incrementally. Use strict timeboxing. Infrastructure develops iteration n+1 whereas application developers use iteration n. Introduce new Domain Architecture releases only at the beginning of iterations.

33 Extract the Infrastructure
Before starting ITERATIVE DUAL-TRACK DEVELOPMENT, Extract the transformations from manually developed application. Either, start by developing this prototype conventionally, then build up the MDSD infrastructure based on this running application, Or extract the code from applications developed in the respective domain before doing MDSD (but only if the quality is sufficiently good!)

34 Best Practices Domain Architecture Tools Process Multi Model
C O N T E N T S Domain Architecture Domain Metamodelling Code Generation Tools Features And Structure An Example Process Multi Model Architecture and CBD Adopting MDSD Model-Driven Software Development Best Practices

35 Most systems can be structured into various
One DSL is not enough Most systems can be structured into various partitions: functional subsystems subdomains: technical aspects It is hardly possible to describe each of these with the same DSL. You will need to come up with separate DSLs … that have to be „connectable“ in order to build the complete system

36 One DSL is not enough II - Example

37 Best Practices Domain Architecture Tools Process Multi Model
C O N T E N T S Domain Architecture Domain Metamodelling Code Generation Tools Features And Structure An Example Process Multi Model Architecture and CBD Adopting MDSD Model-Driven Software Development Best Practices

38 Rich Domain-Specific Platform
Define a rich domain-specific application platform consisting of Libraries Frameworks base classes interpreters, etc. The transformations will “generate code” for this domain-specific application platform. As a consequence, the trans- formations become simpler. DSLs and Frameworks are two sides of the same coin

39 Software Architecture Process „on a slide“
…and actually, this is a talk of its own… Today‘s Problems: Too much technology Too many hypes and buzzwords Too many standards too early So: People don‘t focus on architectural concepts PHASE 1: Elaborate! Technology-Independent Architecture Programming Model Technology Mapping Mock Platform Vertical Prototype PHASE 2: Automate! Architecture Metamodel Glue Code Generation DSL-based Programming Model Model-based Architecture Validation

40 MDSD and CBD – the three viewpoints
Type Model: Components, Interfaces, Data Types Composition Model: Instances, “Wirings” System Model: Nodes, Channels, Deployments

41 Component Implementation
Component implementation should be based on notations specific to the “kind of component” Various other implementation stragies can be used, such as: Rule-Engines “Procedural” DSLs or action semantics Note that, here, interpreters can often be used sensibly instead of generating code!

42 Aspect Models Often, the described three viewpoints are not enough, additional aspects need to be described. These go into separate aspect models, each describing a well-defined aspect of the system. Each of them uses a suitable DSL/syntax The generator acts as a weaver Typical Examples are Persistence Security Forms, Layout, Pageflow Timing, QoS in General Packaging and Deployment Diagnostics and Monitoring

43 Best Practices Domain Architecture Tools Process Multi Model
C O N T E N T S Domain Architecture Domain Metamodelling Code Generation Tools Features And Structure An Example Process Multi Model Architecture and CBD Adopting MDSD Model-Driven Software Development Best Practices

44 Adopting MDSD – prerequisites
Well-practices MDSD builds on several mature other practices, among them Well-defined software architecture Iterative software development and requirements management Mature project automation (regression testing, automatic builds, etc.)

45 Adopting MDSD – process

46 This automates many aspects of the technical aspects;
Levels of MDSD You would typically start with architecture-centric MDSD where the abstractions of the DSL correspond to the core concepts of the technical platform. This automates many aspects of the technical aspects; Results in a wide platform/infrastructure Many projects can be handled with the infrastructure In later phases, functional MDSD infrastructures will be built on this technical one, resulting in cascaded MDSD.

47 Levels of MDSD

48 Levels of MDSD III – M2M Transformations

49 Levels of MDSD III – M2M Transformations II

50 Levels of MDSD III – M2M Transformations III

51 PATTERN: DSL-based Programming Model

52 Questions? Domain Architecture Tools Process Testing Multi Model
C O N T E N T S Domain Architecture Domain Metamodelling Code Generation Tools Features And Structure An Example Process Testing Multi Model Adopting MDSD Questions? The End.

53 Some advertisement  For those, who happen to speak (or rather, read) german: Völter, Stahl: Modellgetriebene Softwareentwicklung Technik, Engineering, Management dPunkt, For all others: A updated translation is under way: Model-Driven Software Development, Wiley, Q

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