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Forced Marriage Workshop

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1 Forced Marriage Workshop
My Rights – My Future forced marriage kit. This kit was co-developed by Liz Payne of ACRATH, with funding from the Attorney -General’s Department, for use in Australian Government, Independent and Catholic Secondary Schools. A workshop using the forced marriage kit will be presented by Liz Payne. This workshop will provide an overview of the Australian Legislation, an insight into the sensitivities and complexities in relation to forced marriage, and will explore referral pathways and how to best support those in or at risk of forced marriage. This will be followed by presentations from Red Cross, Dr Carol Kaplanian and the Australian Federal Police and conclude with a panel discussion. Date: Thursday 4th May Time: am to 3.00pm Venue: James Nestor Hall, Catholic Education Office, 50 Ruislip Street, Leederville. Key Speaker: Liz Payne- ACRATH Community Development worker Guest Speakers: Carol Kaplanian- WA Department of Heath Vanesa Ghigi- Red Cross Support for Trafficked People Program Carly Smith- Australian Federal Police If you wish to attend please register by clicking on link below

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