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Recent Experiences of the Exam Constance Wou July 2018 Adapted presentation from Emmeline Watkins and Jonathan Fok.

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Presentation on theme: "Recent Experiences of the Exam Constance Wou July 2018 Adapted presentation from Emmeline Watkins and Jonathan Fok."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent Experiences of the Exam Constance Wou July Adapted presentation from Emmeline Watkins and Jonathan Fok

2 Aims of the session: - To give tips on how to approach scenarios and preparation - To outline the set up on the day - To discuss recent scenarios

3 Preparing for the exam Started seriously around 6 weeks before the exam Lots of practice scenarios – some have better answers and actor briefings than others, most in older format (presentation style) Practiced with a mixture of registrars and consultants, also practiced with non PH. Watch other people doing scenarios – useful phrases, approaches Lay definitions Mixed reviews on the book – practice questions and videos Filming yourself/making your own questions?


5 On the day Arrive early Dress professionally A lot of waiting around
Jess/Martin On the day Arrive early Dress professionally A lot of waiting around No food provided To drink or not to drink? Check venue the night before Food – can take your own lunch – needed if you are on the afternoon shift, not if you are there for the morning.

6 On the day admin Reception and waiting area Paper checks
Locker and key Verbal briefing / instructions by examiner Last chance for a pee! Feels like a long wait

7 Remember the competencies
Presenting communication skills (verbal and non-verbal) Listening and comprehending Assimilation of relevant information Reasoning, analytical and judgement skills Conflict, challenge, uncertainty and the unexpected

8 Exam format 8 minutes preparation time 1 minute outside exam room
Jess/Martin Exam format 8 minutes preparation time 1 minute outside exam room 8 minutes in exam room Also 1 minute outside prep room

9 8-1-8 The exam 8 minutes preparation time Time flies by – don’t panic
Jess/Martin The exam 8 minutes preparation time Time flies by – don’t panic 1 minute warning Don’t leave anything behind 8-1-8 Going into the room – individual rooms – desk, pens, highlighters, paper.

10 8-1-8 Read the question! Check you have the right scenario/question
Jess/Martin Read the question! 8-1-8 Check you have the right scenario/question Written on door and scenario in prep room Often a lot of clues in the title and introduction Task stated clearly Examiners are not trying to trick you!

11 “He who fails to plan, plans to fail”
Jess/Martin “He who fails to plan, plans to fail” 8-1-8 The task The audience The purpose of the scenario Practice this.

12 8-1-8 Anticipate Look for the win-win Who are you meeting?
Jess/Martin Anticipate Who are you meeting? Who do they work for? What are their responsibilities? What do they know/ understand about the situation? What will they want from this meeting? What might we disagree on? What do we have in common? Look for the win-win 8-1-8

13 1 minute outside exam room
Jess/Martin The exam 8-1-8 1 minute outside exam room Check you have the right scenario!

14 ‘Last minute’ preparations
Jess/Martin ‘Last minute’ preparations 8-1-8 Remind yourself: Who will you be talking to? What will they want from this meeting? What is your overall PH “strap line”? What are your 3 key PH messages? Your opening sentences

15 ‘Last minute’ preparations
Jess/Martin ‘Last minute’ preparations 8-1-8 Get into ‘the zone’ – you need to be calm and focused but also energised Don’t act up – be yourself, just a more confident and decisive version of you! If you don’t feel confident – FAKE IT First impressions count: Knock decisively Shoulders back, walk tall, head up and SMILE!

16 Jess/Martin The exam 8-1-8 8 minutes in exam room

17 Practical issues 8-1-8 Name badges Focus on role player, not examiner
Jess/Martin Practical issues 8-1-8 Name badges Focus on role player, not examiner Some scenarios may be filmed, or have observer – warned in advance 1 minute warning – summary and actions Leave scenario papers Take folder If you finish early – start preparing for the next one!

18 Make things easy for the examiner
Jess/Martin Make things easy for the examiner Speak clearly Signpost what you intend to cover Demonstrate Listening – make sure you answer their questions Eye contact Check understanding – “is that clear?”, “does that make sense?” Be aware of non-verbal clues e.g. Trying to speak Avoid jargon and other technical terms Pitch conversation accordingly 8-1-8

19 General points 8-1-8 Don’t make things up – stick to the scenario
Jess/Martin General points Don’t make things up – stick to the scenario If you don’t know the answer, say so, and that you’ll find out and get back to them later If it all goes wrong, admit it, and start again Do use background knowledge to strengthen your arguments Always have a plan of immediate actions needed to summarise discussions Arrange follow-up meeting Send further information etc 8-1-8 On going wrong – if you misinterpret a graph, or explain something incorrectly and realise, say what you’ve done, apologise for any confusion, put it right, check understanding and then get back on track. Far worse to realise you are wrong and carry on hoping that no-one will notice (they will).

20 Jess/Martin Balanced viewpoint 8-1-8 Consider and acknowledge advantages and disadvantages Signpost role-player to other sources of information/ follow-up if appropriate Don’t commit yourself to unrealistic actions

21 8-1-8 Afterwards You will probably feel exhausted
Jess/Martin Afterwards 8-1-8 You will probably feel exhausted But… you got through it!  Don’t worry what other people did/didn’t say Not long to wait for results Limited feedback – pass/fail

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