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1 Evolution

2 With your partner…. Come up with 1 thing you are absolutely, 100% sure about the theory of evolution. Come up with 1 thing you THINK is true about evolution. Come up with 1 thing that evolution does NOT say. Class Discussion.

3 What evolution does NOT say:
Does NOT say humans came from apes. Does NOT say how life began on Earth. Does NOT say one cannot have “faith”

4 What evolution IS: Best theory we have right now to explain the variety of life one Earth. Is supported by an enormous amount of evidence (that you must know for the test). Is open to being changed or discredited if more scientific data is discovered. Is a controversial topic, even today.

5 Evolution The process by which species change over time.
Overview of Evolution (*does not say we came from apes!)

6 Charles Darwin

7 “Descent with Modification”
Charles Darwin: Wrote the book On the Origin of Species which gave us the theory of evolution through Natural Selection. Overview of Darwin (Video)

8 End of Day 1 song: Evolution Song


10 How Evolution works through Natural Selection
Natural Selection is the “vehicle” that “drives” Evolution. Natural Selection and Evolution With your partner, come up with an analogy to show how evolution and natural selection are related:

11 The Four Parts of Natural Selection
Adaptation – The traits that improve survival and reproduction become more common. Overproduction – Each population is capable of producing more offspring than can survive. This create competition. Variation (due to genetics) – All offspring are different. Selection – The offspring best suited to the environment survive and pass those traits on to their offspring.

12 A question to ponder…. With your partner, discuss how a giraffe’s neck got to be so long. Be able to explain the “how” part in some detail.

13 Natural Selection: 1)Adaptations
Definition: A trait that makes an organism better suited to its environment Adaptations take time and occur over many generations

14 So how DID their necks get so long….
Class discussion….share your thoughts. the answer....

15 Other Adaptations Discuss with your partner what adaptations
you see in this picture.

16 On your own, think about what adaptations are here?
Clown fish and sea anemone.

17 What about adaptations here?

18 Natural Selection: 2)Overproduction
Organisms produce more offspring than can possibly survive. This creates competition where the best fit for their environment will survive. The competition is due to the fact that environmental resources are limited. With your partner, come up w/3 examples of competition in nature..

19 Overproduction/Competition Video
Quick and simple example Quick Lecture on Competition

20 Natural Selection: 3) Variation
The idea that all members of a species are slightly different from one another and this difference is in their genes. This variation makes it more likely that at least some will survive a sudden catastrophic change or even a series of small changes. Over time this can lead to change in species…aka...evolution. Think of one example of this in nature.

21 Genetic Variation Mechanisms of Variety Result of variety...

22 Natural Selection: Selection
“Survival of Fittest” Those organisms best fit to their environment will survive (be “naturally selected”) and pass those traits to their offspring. The traits are passed on via reproduction. Those not fit don’t reproduce and their traits and genes for those traits aren’t passed.

23 Evidence for Evolution
1) The Fossil Record 2) Embryology 3) Comparative Anatomy 4) Molecular and Biochemistry With your partner, discuss what you think each of these may be.

24 The Fossil Record Fossils are the remains of organisms or the imprint of organisms in rock. Fossils are usually found in sedimentary rocks. Fossils can be dated by the rocks they are found in or by Carbon Dating parts of the organism.

25 The Fossil Record (continued)
Video clip

26 Carbon Dating of Fossils
Carbon 14 is a radioactive form of Carbon that occurs naturally. When an organism dies the amount of Carbon 14 in the bones slowly decreases. Approximately every 6000 years half of the Carbon 14 is converted to N-14. If an organism is found to have half the original Carbon-14 the fossil is approximately 6000 years old.

27 Biogeography Different continents with similar biomes have similar organisms. Examples Rhea, Ostrich and Emu This suggests that similar environments shape the evolution of organisms in similar ways.

28 Ostrich Emu Rhea

29 Embryology Scientists compare how organisms develop from embryos (fertilized eggs) until they become adults By comparing the changes the embryos go through you can determine if organisms are related. Example: All vertebrates have a tail and gill pouches at some point in their development


31 Comparative Anatomy The anatomy of different organisms are compared to see relationships Homologous structures- structures that similar in two or more species Example: Arm bones of many vertebrates have the same arrangement. (See book pg 384) Vestigial Structures- structures that are “left over” from the past and have no clear function. Example appendix


33 Molecular and Biochemistry
Comparing the DNA and proteins of organisms for the number of differences The differences are usually caused by some type of mutation The fewer the number of differences the closer the relation between the organisms

34 Beyond Darwinian Theory
Forces that change allele frequencies Microevolution

35 Allele Frequency Allele Frequency-The percentage of dominant alleles and recessive alleles that appear in a population Hardy-Weinberg principle tells us the number of each allele in a population based on mathematics The number of each allele does not change unless an evolutionary force is acting on it.

36 Evolutionary Forces That Change Allele Frequency
Each of the following cause the allele frequency to change Mutation Gene flow (migration) Nonrandom mating (mate choice) Genetic drift Natural selection

37 Mutation One allele turns into another by a mutation in the genetic code Does not occur very often and are usually lethal Occurs 1-10 times per 100,000 cell divisions

38 Mutations Changes that happen in one generation
May occur by a change in either the egg or sperm of a parent May be caused by a virus, drug, bacteria or radiation May be caused by an error in cell division


40 Gene Flow (Migration) The movement of genes (alleles) from one population to the next Migration Immigrants - bring in new alleles to a population Emigrants – take alleles out of a population

41 Nonrandom Mating (Mate Choice)
When we mate with individuals like ourselves we change the allele frequency to become more …… Homozygous A mate is usually chosen based on certain traits

42 Genetic Drift Small populations and/or isolation
In small populations if a catastrophic event occurs one of the allele frequencies could be reduced If individuals are “trapped” on an island, one of the allele frequencies could be reduced

43 Natural Selection “Survival of the fittest.”
If some alleles are “lethal” then they are selected against (reduced in number). For example: if aa is lethal then the number of a’s in the population will go… Down.

44 Patterns of Macroevolution
Adaptive Radiation Divergent and Convergent Evolution Coevolution Extinction Gradualism Punctuated Equilibrium

45 Adaptive Radiation Adaptive radiation - When many different species are developed from a single ancestor. Like a branching tree.


47 Divergent Evolution Divergent Evolution - is the process of two or more related species become more and more dissimilar.

48 More Divergent Evolution

49 Convergent Evolution Convergent Evolution - unrelated species become more and more similar as they adapt to the same environment

50 Convergent Evolution

51 Coevolution Coevolution - the joint change of two or more species in close interaction. Often predator and prey


53 Extinction If all the members of a lineage die off or simply fail to reproduce, the lineage is said to be extinct.

54 Dodo Bird

55 Gradualism Small changes in a species over long periods of time

56 Punctuated Equilibrium
Species remain stable for long periods of time and then quickly change


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