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Saturday, February 23, 2019Saturday, February 23, 2019

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1 Saturday, February 23, 2019Saturday, February 23, 2019
Objective: YWBAT analyze patterns in the seasons and the changing patterns seen in the night sky. Drill: What makes the North Star special? You need your evidence journal, textbook, chromebook, sharpened, pencil, blank sheet of lined paper.

2 Answer The North Star is not different from other stars. It is special because of its location, which makes it appear to remain in the same position.

3 Did you know…? The reason Polaris is so important is because the axis of Earth is pointed almost directly at it. During the course of the night, Polaris does not rise or set, but remains in very nearly the same spot above the northern horizon year-round while the other stars circle around it.

4 Today’s Activities Drill
Set-up evidence journal – Model Sunlight Distribution Test Corrections Gizmo: Seasons; Why do we have them? Conclusion

5 Closure Question List two reasons why we receive different amounts of the sun’s energy in summer and in winter.

6 Conclusion Answer Changes in the length of the sun’s path across the sky Changes in the height of the sun in the middle of the day

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