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How was the Treaty of Versailles received?

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1 How was the Treaty of Versailles received?
Lesson Aim: To practice answering source Qs. TASK: Mini whiteboards-what were the terms of the Treaty of Versailles?

2 The main points of the Treaty [BRAT] (land losses p26)
The first 26 Articles of the Treaty set out the Covenant of the League of Nations; the rest of the 440 Articles detailed Germany's punishment:     1.   Germany had to accept the Blame for starting the war (Clause 231).  2.   Germany had to pay £6,600 million (called Reparations) for the damage done during the war. 3.   Germany was forbidden to have submarines or an air force.   She could have a navy of only six battleships, and an Army of just 100,000 men.   In addition, Germany was not allowed to place any troops in the Rhineland, the strip of land, 50 miles wide, next to France. 4.   Germany lost Territory Germany’s colonies were given to Britain and France. (Also, Germany was forbidden to join the League of Nations, or unite with Austria.) Go through the German loss of land on p26 of the textbook. Give out maps for pupils to fill out to add to their posters.

3 Look at p8-9 and make a note of lost land if you don’t already have it.

4 To consolidate…..

5 Mini Whiteboards What do you think the reaction of France/USA/Britain and Germany? Use the terms of the Treaty on p8-9 to help. Read p10 and make 10 key points about Germany’s reaction (include statistics).

6 What was the impact on Germany?
In 1919, Ebert’s government v.weak – right wingers attempted revolution called the Kapp Putsch. Defeated by Berlin workers’ strike which paralysed essential services. Germany fell behind on reparation payments in – French/Belgian soldiers entered Rhur and took what was owed in raw materials. German ordered workers not to produce things to be taken for reparations. This meant they had little to trade, so government printed extra money. Money made worthless and prices rose – see picture.

7 Look at your exam Q guide sheet…….
Differences between Qs from Causes and Events of WWI to International Relations What is the message of this source is the focus. We will look at some examples today. For home works we will practise the other styles of source Q on paper 1 content.

8 What is the message of this source? (7 marks)
How do you answer this Q? As a group write on the table, how you would answer the Q. Use bullet points rather than a full answer. One person stay with the answer, everyone else go to the other source and hear the answer.


10 A cartoon named ‘Clemenceau the vampire’

11 Answer one of the source Qs.
Homework: Answer one of the source Qs.

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