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The Catcher in the Rye Reading Check

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Presentation on theme: "The Catcher in the Rye Reading Check"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Catcher in the Rye Reading Check

2 Where does Holden attend school?
A – Agerstown Prep School B – Deerfield Academy C – Pencey Prep School D – Williams Academy

3 That was the wrong answer

4 Correct ! Congratulations

5 What possession does Holden carry around and who did he get it from?
A – A baseball glove from Allie B – A picture of his family from Phoebe C – A pen from Jane D – A notebook from D.B.

6 That was the wrong answer

7 Correct ! Congratulations

8 Who is the teacher Holden visits in New York City?
A – Mr. Antolini B – Mr. Spencer C – Mr. Luce D – Mr. Gallagher

9 That was the wrong answer

10 Correct ! Congratulations

11 Which of the following events does not influence Holden’s desire to become the “Catcher in the Rye?”
A – His encounter with Sunny B – Reading profanity on the walls of the bathroom C – The death of his brother Allie D – Hearing about D.B.’s experiences in Hollywood

12 That was the wrong answer

13 Correct ! Congratulations

14 Where does Holden’s story begin and end?
A – Holden is walking around Pencey Prep B – Holden is visiting his brother D.B. C – Holden is visiting Allie’s grave D – Holden is at a rest home for therapy

15 That was the wrong answer

16 Correct ! Congratulations

17 How did you do? 0-3 correct answers 4-5 correct answers

18 Go back and reread the text
Good try. Go back and reread the text

19 You completed a thorough reading of our text
Great work. You completed a thorough reading of our text

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