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DWAF STRATEGIC PLAN 2007/8-2009/10 & BUDGET 2007/8

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1 DWAF STRATEGIC PLAN 2007/8-2009/10 & BUDGET 2007/8
````````````````````` `````````` DWAF STRATEGIC PLAN 2007/8-2009/10 & BUDGET 2007/8 JI Sindane Director-General 3 May 2007 Old Assembly Chamber, Parliament

2 Structure of Presentation
General Overview Water Resources Management (Programme 2) Water Services (Programme 3) Forestry (Programme 4) International Affairs Administration (Programme 1) Financial Resources (Budget)

3 General Overview This is a three year strategic plan, covering the MTEF period 2007/8-2009/10. We have placed the achievement of gender equality and equity at the centre of the strategic plan. The aim is to rally the staff of DWAF and our public entities to join hands to implement government policies falling within the mandate of the DWAF. The plan covers Water Services, Water Resources Management and Forestry, as well as the support services of Corporate Services and Finance. Water Resources Management includes National Water Resources Infrastructure, which will soon be incorporated into an infrastructure agency.

4 General Overview (cont.)
Our role is to support and strengthen the capacity of municipalities to meet the water and sanitation targets. Effectively, our role is to create an environment in which municipalities are better able to fulfill their constitutional and legislative mandates. We will continue to assist municipalities in the planning, operation and maintenance of infrastructure to ensure sustainability of water services. As regulator, we must ensure that municipalities adhere to minimum standards and norms for service delivery that we have set.

5 General Overview (cont.)
We will continue to plan the development of our water resources to support economic growth and provide water for basic needs. Redistribution of access to water resources is a necessity and we will collaborate with Land Affairs and Agriculture. We will drive the transformation agenda of the forestry sector through legislation and the Forestry BBBEE Charter.

6 Water Resources Management (Programme 2)
Supply of water is a critical input for the achievement of the aims of AsgiSA and State of the Nation Address (SONA). The building of new water resources infrastructure and the involvement of beneficiary communities during planning, implementation and management of infrastructure benefit directly both the first and second economies. Reallocation of water is central to bring about equality and as a direct input to the alleviation and eradication of poverty as referred to in SONA.

7 Water Resources Management (cont.)
We will continue with our major projects like De Hoop Dam in Limpopo; Nandoni Distribution Works; Hluhluwe Regional Water Supply; Mdloti River Resource Project (raising of Hazelmere Dam) Berg Water Project will be commissioned this year. We will continue to implement measures to ensure the protection of our water resources through, amongst others, the Working for Water Programme.

8 Water Resources Management (cont.)- Institutions
Our project for the establishment of a national water resource infrastructure agency is underway, with legislation to be introduced in 2007. As regards our public entities, we plan to formulate and implement a governance framework to ensure both their proper governance and provision of support, and leadership to our public entities. To promote local management of water resources, we are continuing with the establishment of CMAs and the promotion of the involvement of local government.

9 Water Services (Programme 3)
With experience, we now know we need to accelerate the service delivery in order to meet our water and sanitation targets – Siyenza Manje-DBSA. Cabinet approved our Service Delivery Acceleration Plan in January 2007 to provide hands-on support to affected municipalities – working with DPLG. Capacity building- Our comprehensive local government support plan is in line with Local Government Five Year Strategic Agenda. We will continue to support municipalities to ensure the high quality of drinking water. New infrastructure – operation and maintenance of existing infrastructure.

10 Water services (cont.) - IGR
Promote a closer relationship between water boards and municipalities. Greater collaboration with provincial departments of local government. Greater collaboration with provincial departments of health ( drinking water quality). Greater collaboration with SALGA.

11 Forestry (Programme 4) Implement detailed programmes to ensure broad-based black economic empowerment (SONA)--Forestry Charter completed, it addresses many of the other elements below the SONA. Finalise practical programmes for forestry and paper--Charter is both a transformation and a practical growth and development strategy for the sector. Key elements have an accompanying strategy e.g. skills development, new afforestation, R+ D and forest enterprise development.

12 Forestry (cont.) To raise the rate of investment in the First Economy--Charter details concrete roles and resources for Government and Private sector to achieve higher rates of investment. To reduce the cost of doing business in our country--Have already almost halved the time to get an afforestation licence and plans in place for 2007/2008 to use general authorizations to reduce cost and time further. Applications risen from 800ha in 2004 to 5500ha last year

13 Forestry (cont.) Plan to process ha of forestry licence applications to ensure a net increase of ha per annum by small and medium black growers. Transfer of DWAF Cat B and C plantations, 2007/2008 plan to transfer largest plantations of Manzengwenya and Mbazwana and possibly Injaka too pending the finalization of land claim by RLCC.

14 Forestry (cont.) To increase spending on Scientific Research and Development--Will finalise the proposal for Forestry Science Technology and Innovation strategy, develop capacity and approach Treasury for funding for implementation. To speed up the process of skills development--Key element of the Charter – Skills development strategy has been approved Bursaries for people in forestry granted last year for first time in many years and plans to increase the number in 07/08. Plan in 07/08 to integrate forestry into national school curriculum and input further into all tertiary institutions offering forestry qualifications

15 International affairs
Involvement in forestry and water activities in SADC to achieve regional integration. Management of cross-border relations (shared watercourses). Participation in post conflict reconstruction in Africa. Participation in NEPAD structures and international fora, such as World Water Forum and UN Forum on Forestry.

16 Thank You “Some for all forever”

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