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Implementation and Introduction to Users

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1 Implementation and Introduction to Users
Panel 1: Librarians’ Advice on Selecting, Implementing, and Introducing a MetaSearch Product. Implementation and Introduction to Users Or, how we did it good and why you should do it that way, too Or, why we did it and why you should do it, too Or, just do it Bob Gerrity Head of Systems Boston College Libraries Presentation URL: 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

2 NISO MetaSearch Program
Topics Covered Overview of BC environment Implementation Issues Technical requirements Staff involvement Project management Customization Rollout, introduction to users User response, usability issues 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

3 Boston College Environment
User Population 9,000 undergraduates 4,600 graduate students 820 faculty BC Library Facts 1.9 million volumes $6.5 million acquisitions budget $1.3 million on electronic resources Recent ARL member Staff: 200 FTEs Electronic Resources 300+ databases 5,300 e-journal 14,600 full-text titles via aggregators 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

4 Access Points for Electronic Resources, pre-MetaQuest
ALEPH Web OPAC (version 14.2) Includes 12,000 cataloged electronic resources (databases, journals, govdocs, websites) Library Web pages Online Databases (A-Z & Subject Lists) Electronic Journals List (A-Z) Research Guides by Subject Electronic Books List All static 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

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So what’s the problem? Need for better management of e-resources Need to make resources more accessible Need to tie resources together 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

9 Too many choices, not enough time!
BC subscribes to approx. 300 web-accessible databases. 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

10 MetaSearch system selection and implementation at Boston College
Part of Libraries’ stated mission is to be technology leaders on campus Saw potential in metasearch and reference-linking applications being developed Willingness to experiment Existing, positive relationship with Ex Libris Creation of Digital Resources position in Reference Dept. provided focal point for project 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

11 NISO MetaSearch Program
MetaLib: What is it? Resource-Discovery Tool Gateway Search Engine Allows simultaneous searching of multiple databases Based on Z39.50 and other protocols Customizable by user, to a certain degree Includes SFX 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

12 NISO MetaSearch Program
MetaLib, Conceptually “OpenURL Aware” Query A&I DBs MetaLib Server Results Library Catalogs SFX Request Full-text DBs Menu of Related Services Metadata -full text -library holdings -ILL request -document delivery -Web search SFX Server 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

13 Implementation Timeline
July 2001 SFX and MetaLib installed Vendor training (4 days) Aug – Oct 2001 SFX: -Contacted Vendors, set-up test accounts -Tested linking, customized SFX menu, developed FAQs -Library-wide testing Nov 2001 SFX live in 10 databases with 20 targets Aug – Dec 2001 Metalib: -Cataloged resources in the KnowledgeBase -Configured searchable resources -Tested search & display configurations, customized HTML, changed name to MetaQuest, developed Help documentation and FAQs, tested SFX links -Campus-wide testing. Held focus groups with faculty, staff and students. Jan 2002 MetaLib live (250 resources, 90 configured to be searched). Since Jan 2002 Added additional SFX Sources and Targets. Added additional MetaLib targets New versions of both installed Run updates from Ex Libris and troubleshoot problems Incorporated into library instruction. 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

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Sample Search 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

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22 Technical Requirements: Library
Good data to create local KnowledgeBase Local support for any necessary hardware/software Understanding of expertise and resources required for a successful implementation Identified resources (technical, human, financial) for ongoing maintenance, support, and development Define your MetaSearch scenarios Define integration possibilities, requirements Non-technical requirements Conviction that metasearch is a valuable tool, has a real future 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

23 Technical Requirements: Vendor
Support for local test environment Support for local authentication/authorization mechanisms Adequate documentation and training Support for relevant standards System that can be demonstrated to be operational upon installation Non-technical requirements “The vision thing” Willingness to be a partner 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

24 Technical Requirements: Consortium
Flexible configuration options Integration with local authentication/authorization systems Support for local customization within consortial framework Non-technical requirements Shared vision Shared goals Clear articulation of institutional vs. consortial boundaries for project Reason other than financial for implementing metasearch through consortium rather than locally 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

25 Library Staff Involvement
At BC, systems and reference staff were responsible for bulk of implementation tasks All staff were invited to product demonstrations and invited to test and provide feedback during implementation Systems Hardware installation and support Resource configuration and technical testing Web design Software and KnowledgeBase updates Liaison with MetaSearch system vendor Reference & Instructional Services Prioritization of resources Resource-vendor liaison Cataloging resources (cataloging, reference) Testing, user feedback Project management 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

26 NISO MetaSearch Program
Timetables It takes as much time as you give yourself to do it It always takes longer than you think it should Develop and follow a formal project plan Project manager Rollout when “worthwhile threshold” is reached 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

27 NISO MetaSearch Program
Customization Develop understanding of options for customization Look at other sites using same MetaSearch system Determine level of effort required locally to do customization Develop prototypes and get feedback before implementing Consider implications of software upgrades on local customizations 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

28 NISO MetaSearch Program
Rollout to Users Highlight benefits single search interface saves time Be up front about shortcomings not all resources are searchable Don’t wait until everything works perfectly (because it never will) Invite feedback: what works, what doesn’t Users are willing to spend time if they think their feedback will result in improvements to system 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

29 User Response/Usability Issues
Provide easy mechanisms for feedback, problem reporting Expect mixed reactions MetaSearch will be mission critical for some users, of no interest to others Check the logs Remove unnecessary/unused features Make sure system works with all/most browsers Be creative 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

30 NISO MetaSearch Program
Thank you. Presentation URL: Bob Gerrity 2/23/2019 NISO MetaSearch Program

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