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Aberdeen City Council Donna Cuthill – Parent Engagement.

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1 Aberdeen City Council Donna Cuthill – Parent Engagement

2 Setting the National Context
National Improvement Framework Parental Involvement Act (2006) Review Governance Review HGIOS 4 Equity & Excellence National Improvement Framework – Parents are on of the key factor in helping children achieve successful outcomes – parent mentioned as a key driver in achieving this. PI Act - 10 years on evaluation of the Impact it has made hoping to see the report end of February / March this will impact on our Parental Involvement Strategy for the City on how we move ahead taking account of the outcome of the Governance review Governance Review :Reviewing how education is run: who should take decisions in relation to the education of children and young people and how the funding of education can be made fairer. Scottish Gov - Decisions about children’s learning and school life should be taken in schools. Government looking to empower teachers, parents, children and young people and communities to have a stronger voice in Scottish education and to become key decision makers. HIGIOS 4 increase in Parent Involvement / Parental Engagement using this lens to view inspections 1.1 Parents as stakeholders self Evaluation & Self improvement 1.4 Being part of the recruitment processes 2.5 Family Learning – increasing the capacity of engaging families in learning, early intervention and support for families - maths, literacy, health & wellbeing 2.6 Transitions 2.7 Parental Partnerships are integral to the way schools work – DYW, H&WB, RRS, School improvement planning 3.1 Ensuring Wellbeing Equality & Inclusion

3 The Parent Involvement Act (2006)
Three key areas: Learning at Home Home / School Partnership Parental Representation Notes The Act strengthens the framework for supporting parent involvement in school education and covers three broad levels It aims to help all parents to be Involved with their child's education, parents and carers are by far the most important influence on their child’s life and research has shown that it does make a marked difference in improving achievement and behavior in a pupils in English, Math and science due to home influence Welcomed as an active partners in the life of the school and reflects the shared role and responsibility we all have educating children making relevant links with home and school in vital to a helping there is no doubt that when we work together - education, social and behavioral standards are raised and outcome for children are improved Have the opportunity to express their views and have these taken into account on matters affecting their child education and work in partnership with the school to help promote parent involvement or matters of interest

4 Terminology Parent Forum Parent Council
This is the body that was defined in the 2006 Act on parental involvement, and it consists of all the parents who have a child at the school. They are automatically members, whether they like it or not! The Parent Forum can expect to: receive information about the school decide on the format of the Parent Council / parent voice and how it operates identify issues for the Parent Council be consulted by the Parent Council express views through the Parent Council

5 The Role of a Parent Council
Provide a voice for parents in Broomhill school and to the local authority on issues that are important to parents and children Help the school understand how most effectively involve parents in their children’s learning and the life of the school and connect with the wider community Support the school in developing strong home/school partnerships Support the school in its development & improvement Capture the unique and varied skills, interests, knowledge and experiences that parents / carers offer Parent council job description

6 Parent Council Responsibilities
Report annually on the work of the parent council Effectively communicate with parent forum and gather parent views to share with school Promote the school and support the home school partnership Be accountable for decisions and finance & spending Responsibilities are specific tasks to complete as a function on your role


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