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SEND Reforms Programme Evaluation

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1 SEND Reforms Programme Evaluation
Roz Pither SEND Commissioning Manager

2 Expected outcomes Positive experience of the SEND system for children, young people and their families Positive outcomes for children, young people and their families Effective preparation for adulthood

3 Components of a successful SEND system
Effective practice to drive improvement Roles and responsibilities Person centred & joined up approach Engagement and participation Information Advice and Support   

4 Roles and responsibilities Accountability: Clearly-defined and understood roles and responsibilities
Issue How Outcomes Sharing of the key messages around roles, responsibilities and accountabilities with senior leaders, the workforce and parent carers Face to face meetings Universal Roadshows x 16 Parent Carer Events x 6 Role specific targeted meetings SEND Changes Leaflet SEND Newsletter x 9 SEND Online learning modules x 6 available to all internal/external to SCC 2

5 SEND Events – 126 Events to 2029 people

6 Events and attendees No of attendees Events Data 667 396 227 209 206
Multi-agency conference and other multi-agency presentations 667 Educational settings training (Governor and Staff) 396 SENCo Training – Person Centred Approach/Conferences 227 Somerset County Council specific meetings as guest speakers 209 Local Offer Activities including engaging with the public 206 Parent Carer Events 97 Universal Roadshows 58 Health engagement and presentations at team meetings 57 Raising Aspirations Workshops 56 Social Care engagement and presentations at team meetings 32 Youth Offending Team presentations at team meetings 13 Young People presentations pre Engagement and Participation Team 11 Total 2029

7 Online Learning Modules Launched Internally April and Externally May 2016
No Introduction to the SEND Reforms 121 SEND Self Evaluation Tool 95 Working with children and young people with SEND 70 Overview to the Mental Capacity Act 2005 51 Working with parent carers and families of children and young people with SEND 46 Personal Budgets for Education, Health and Care plans 24 Total number of completions 407 From 15th May to 30th June

8 SEND Newsletter Area Number Voluntary Sector 15 Training 3 Social Care
87 Parent Carers 35 Other 14 Health 79 Education 715 Unknown 7 Total 955

9 Person Centred and joined up approach Accountability: a person-centred and joined up approach to identifying and meeting the needs Issue How Outcomes Improving the ethos around person centred approaches to the services delivered and improve a joint up approach for the benefit of children, young people and their families Targeted training solutions on person centred approach with dedicated trainer using personal experience eg 11 SENCo events Co produced multiagency SEND conference that 180 people attended Multi-agency focus/task and finish groups Self evaluation tool for all Team around the child meetings 1/2/3

10 Engagement and participation Accountability: Engagement and participation so that families feel they have greater choice, feel that they are in control and being listened to Issue How Outcomes Developing a culture of engaging and participating with children, young people and parent carers to commission and shape services Engagement and Participation Strategy SEND participation Team Young People’s Champions Young people forum – The Unstoppables Consultation process Partnership Agreements – SPCF/CCG/SCC Memorandum of Understanding - SPCF Participation training - Online learning modules x 6 Social Media/Videos 1/3

11 Engagement and Participation Activities April 15/16
99 Coproduction Introductions 61

12 Information, Advice and Support Accountability: A clear understanding of what support, services and provision are available Issue How Outcomes Review of existing Information advice and support, identify gaps and create new pathways to information, advice and support Local Offer – Somerset Choices SEND Newsletter – Available to all iPost page SEND Information Leaflet Parent carer events Social media Survey/Focus Groups SEND Information Advice and Support Network 1/2

13 Effective data to drive improvement Accountability: use of effective practice, data and wider intelligence and independent assessment Issue How Outcomes Review of existing practice, processes and services to see what is working, what is not working and look for solutions to drive improvments Local Offer Feedback and Steering Groups Parent carer events and consultations SEND Customer Satisfaction Surveys Best Practice – Making a difference booklet Personal Outcomes Evaluation Tool Listening cards Event evaluations Consultations with children, young people and parent carers through Forum activities 1/2/3

14 Legacy Resources 9 SEND Specific Newsletters 6 Online learning modules
SEND self evaluation Tool Resource pack with 13 SEND specific cards SEND Information, Advice and Support Leaflet Engagement and Participation Strategy SEND Participation Team and Young Persons’ Champions The Unstoppable Forum Suite of inspirational videos e.g Raising Aspirations Training solutions – Raising Aspirations/Participation Best practice booklet Evaluation report

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