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Standard Operating Procedures and Termination Procedures

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1 Standard Operating Procedures and Termination Procedures
MODULE 1 UNIT 6 Standard Operating Procedures and Termination Procedures Allow 30 minutes for this section

2 Unit 6 Learning Objective
Students will be able to terminate an incident by debriefing the response and critiquing the efforts to evaluate its effectiveness. Read to students

3 Student Performance Objectives
Describe the importance of standard operating procedures. Describe how to transition the incident to termination. Describe the termination procedures. Explain the importance of critiquing the response in the termination process. Read to students

4 Standard Operating Procedures
Any organization’s response procedures must include plans on how to terminate the incident and return the area to pre-incident conditions. State: OSHA’s final requirement for the operational responder is to know your organization’s standard operating procedures. Each response agency is required to have guidelines on how to respond. It is your job to know and understand these procedures. You as a first responder at the operational level must be familiar with your own organization’s standard operating procedures. We must also be familiar with proper termination procedures

5 Incident Transition Ohio EPA Local or State Health Departments
Clean-up contractors State: As the incident comes to the completion of the emergency response phase the incident will transition to the clean up phase. At this point, the incident can be turned over to the responsible spiller, Ohio EPA and/or local or state health departments. The long-term goal is to assure that the environment is returned back to its original condition. The Ohio EPA can also contact clean-up contractors if no responsible spiller has been identified.

6 Termination Procedures
Debriefing Critiquing After Action Procedures Analysis Corrective-action planning Reporting Follow-up Termination is documenting incident activities, determining deficiencies, and resolving those deficiencies. The termination process has three procedural components: debriefing, critiquing, and after-action procedures. Debriefing is gathering information from all of the response groups involved in the incident. A critical component to debriefing is providing the following information to all responders prior to leaving the scene: The chemical names of the substances involved in the incident The signs and symptoms of an exposure to each substance What you should do if you have or start to have symptoms of exposure Critiquing involves identifying and documenting specific accomplishments, problems encountered, and shortcomings. Analysis: Involves the review and evaluation of both the debriefing and critiquing processes. Its purpose is to identify specific trends and causes of the strengths or weaknesses of the response. Corrective-action planning: Is determining the changes in procedures, equipment, resources, communication channels, or other elements that were determined to not be effective. The need for additional training should be determined as well. Reporting: Is the written summary of findings, conclusions, and recommendations from the debriefing, critiquing, and corrective-action process. Also included in reporting is specific entry of data into personnel and medical records, equipment exposure records, internal report submission, and external reporting to regulators and the community. Follow-up: Should be assigned to individuals with the authority to implement corrective actions. Reasonable corrective-action timelines should be assigned.

7 Course Summary Protect lives, property and the environment
Have an understanding of basic hazard and risk assessment Properly select and use your personal protective equipment Understand basic hazardous material terms Do basic control, containment and confinement to keep products from spreading Perform basic decon functions Know your organizations SOPs State: Your job as an operations level responder is to: Protect lives, property and the environment Have an understanding of basic hazard and risk assessment Properly select and use your personal protective equipment Understand basic hazardous material terms Do basic control, containment and confinement to keep products from spreading Perform basic decon functions Know your organizations SOPs Ask: Any questions on this module?

8 Unit 6 Review Quiz Allow 10 minutes and then review answers.

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