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Standard Setting Process – Information Flow

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1 Standard Setting Process – Information Flow
Contracting parties/members RPPOs Implementation Topics submitted to CPM Approved ISPM CPM CPM If ISPM not approved it may be sent back to SC/EWG/TP Approved topics and priorities Final ISPM after incorporation of comments IPPC Secretariat facilitates all steps SC SC Country comments on draft Specifications and membership of EWG/TPs IPPC Contact Points EWGs/TP s IPP ISPM draft SC approved draft for country consultation SC SC may request more work IPP IPP Training WS – Handout no. 4b

2 CPM – Invitation and Document Flow
IPPC Secretariat Director General FAO Official FAO Contact Points FAO Perm. Reps. Contact Point Draft CPM invitations IPP Invitation to CPM CPM papers Copy of invitation to CPM CPM delegate names Assistance requests CPM – Invitation and Document Flow Contracting party/member IPP Training WS – Handout no. 4b

3 Nominations from region
Membership of Subsidiary Bodies IPPC Secretariat FAO Regional Chairs CPM Notification of vacancies Nominations Approved members Nominations from region Selection processes as decided by FAO region report IPP Training WS – Handout no. 4b

4 Distribution of ISPMs CPM Report Formatting & printing of
limited copies IPPC Contact Points IPP Approved ISPMs in all FAO languages Single copy of each ISPM ISPMs Printed ISPMs made available On request, CPM, WGs, other meetings IPP Training WS – Handout no. 4b

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