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Vocab List 14 -Victory Garden -Espionage -War Industries Board (WIB) (p 189) -The Food Administration (p 189) -National War Labor Board (p 190) -Great.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocab List 14 -Victory Garden -Espionage -War Industries Board (WIB) (p 189) -The Food Administration (p 189) -National War Labor Board (p 190) -Great."— Presentation transcript:



3 Vocab List 14 -Victory Garden
-Espionage -War Industries Board (WIB) (p 189) -The Food Administration (p 189) -National War Labor Board (p 190) -Great Migration (p 190) -Committee on Public Information (p 191) -Sedition Act of 1917 (p 191) -Draft -Selective Service act of 1917 (p 192)

4 World War I The Home Front

5 I. Mobilizing the Economy
A) Government Agencies (Executive Branch) War Industries Board - coordinates production of war materials Food Administration - reduce civilian consumption Fuel Administration - managed coal/oil use National War Labor Board Avoid strikes by... Improved wages + 8hr workday + more unions B) Rationing - wheat / meat/ fuel + DIY gardening C) Taxes - 60% tax on the rich + Taxes on war profits D) Bonds - $20,000,000,000 raised by Liberty/Victory bonds


7 II. Life on Home Front A) 1m Women join workforce bc Men out fighting
B) Great Migration 500,000 Southern African Americans move North to work in factories Better wages In Chicago / Cleveland / NYC / Detroit politics, & hip hop, changed forever C) Other groups - 100,000 Mexicans move to SW USA

8 III. Shaping Public Opinion
A) Gov Agency: Committee on Public Information produced pamphlets encouraged Americans to support War B)Less Freedom of Speech Espionage Act of outlawed interfering with war effort Sedition Act of can't criticize government Eugene Debs - Sentenced to 10 years after giving anti-war speech. (Ran for President while in Jail) C) Anti-German sentiment begins (many change last names)

9 WW1 Propaganda

10 IV. Building the Military
A) Remember - Germans sank US ships because they thought it impossible that we could raise an army in time B) Start of War - 200,000 in Nat’l guard C) How they joined: 2,000,000 volunteered Selective Service Act - 2,800,000 drafted for War D) Minorities in the Military 1) African Americans - 42,0000 2) Native Americans - 12,000 3) Puerto Ricans - 20,000 (given citizenship after) E) Women served clerical (11,000) & nursing (20,000) role in war

11 Harlem Hellfighters

12 V. Death Tolls Around 5,000,000 Americans served in Army
50,000 died in Combat 200,000 wounded 60,000 died from Influenza (the Flu) The Flu killed 50,000,000 people worldwide The War killed about 15,000,000 people total

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