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Drill # 15: In your notebook, create a Venn Diagram comparing Meiosis vs. Mitosis by looking at the pictures.

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Presentation on theme: "Drill # 15: In your notebook, create a Venn Diagram comparing Meiosis vs. Mitosis by looking at the pictures."— Presentation transcript:

1 Drill # 15: In your notebook, create a Venn Diagram comparing Meiosis vs. Mitosis by looking at the pictures

2 SWBAT Describe the steps of Meiosis
List the differences between Meiosis and Mitosis

3 Agenda Meiosis Notes -
Homework: Complete comparison chart

4 Meiosis Division of the nucleus that reduces the number of chromosomes in new cells in half. Goes through PMAT twice

5 Homologous Chromosomes:
Prophase I: Prophase I: Chromosomes become visible. The nuclear membrane breaks down. Homologous Chromosomes: Two identical copies of the same chromosomes. One chromosome from each parent.

6 Prophase I: Crossing-Over:
Portions of chromatids may break off and attach to a nearby chromatid PURPOSE – Permits the exchange of genetic material between mom and dad chromosomes (i.e., a new mixture of genetic material) Prophase I: Chromosomes become visible. The nuclear membrane breaks down.

7 Metaphase I: Metaphase I: Pairs of homologous chromosomes move to the middle of the cell.

8 Anaphase I: Independent assortment- A random
Anaphase I: Homologous chromosomes move to opposite poles of the cell. Independent assortment- A random separation of mom and dad chromosomes which results in genetic variation

9 Telophase I: Telophase I: Chromosomes gather at the poles. Nuclear membrane reappears. The cytoplasm divides.

10 END OF MEIOSIS I: Original cell produces 2 new cells. Each new cell contains one chromosome from each homologous pair (i.e., half the number of chromosomes as the original)

11 Prophase II: Prophase II: A new spindle forms around the chromosomes. Nuclear membrane breaks down.

12 Metaphase II: Metaphase II: Chromosomes line up in the middle.

13 Anaphase II: Anaphase II: Centromeres divide and chromatids move to opposite poles.

14 Telophase II: Telophase II: A nuclear envelope forms around each set of chromosomes. The cytoplasm divides.

15 Diploid vs Haploid Cells having two sets of chromosomes are said to be diploid (2n) Ex: normal human body cells 2n=46 Cells that contain only one set of chromosomes are said to be haploid (1n) Ex: Human sperm cells and egg cells 1n=23

16 END OF MEIOSIS II: 4 new cells, each containing half of the original cell’s number of chromosomes In animals, meiosis produces haploid reproductive cells called gametes. ONLY REPRODUCTIVE CELLS GO THROUGH MEIOSIS!

17 2 Types of Meiosis Spermatogenesis-production of sperm
Produces 4 sperm cells

18 Oogenesis-production of an egg cell
Only 1 egg cell is produced 3 other polar bodies get recycled

19 Wrapup Write down 2 similarities and 2 differences between meiosis and mitosis.

20 Drill #7: Feb. 9 & 10, 2012 List 2 ways meiosis is different from mitosis. Why is only 1 egg cell produced during oogenesis?

21 Drill #7: Feb. 9 & 10, 2012 List 2 ways meiosis is different from mitosis. PMAT twice, 4 vs 2 cells produced, cells are not identical Why is only 1 egg cell produced during oogenesis? This cell has most of the cytoplasm and nutrients in case the egg is fertilized.

22 Objectives SWBAT Differentiate between a gene, DNA molecule, a chromosome, and a chromatid. SWBAT Differentiate between homologous chromosomes, autosomes, and sex chromosomes. SWBAT Predict how changes in chromosome number or structure can affect development.

23 Agenda Complete Meiosis & Mitosis Comparison Karyotypes/Chromosomes
Genetic Vocabulary Mendel’s Experiments Turn in Asexual Reproduction WS


25 Homologous chromosomes
Carry genes that control the same characteristics (eye color, height, blood type) Locus = physical location on a chromosome for that gene Allele = different forms of the same gene


27 Types of Chromosomes Sex chromosomes- determine the sex of an organism
in humans: X or Y (are not homologous) Female is XX Male is XY (X is much larger with more genes) Autosomes-all other chromosomes in an organism Every cell (except sex cells) has 2 copies of each autosome Homologous chromosomes-Two identical copies of the same chromosomes. One chromosome from each parent


29 Karyotype A photo of the chromosomes in a dividing cell that show the chromosomes arranged by size. Chromosomes can be sorted into pairs using size, length, position of centromere, and banding patterns.



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