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The non-Conversion Of Felix

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1 The non-Conversion Of Felix
The Non-Conversion Of Felix Acts 24:24-27 (Expository Sermon) The non-Conversion Of Felix Salvation, First Principles

2 Introduction Paul was on trial before Felix
Paul made his defense to the charges made against him After the trial, Felix and his wife Drusilla sent for Paul

3 Introduction Felix could have had a two-fold motive for wanting to see Paul: 1) To hear him concerning the faith 2) To give Paul an opportunity to offer him a bribe Please note that Paul preached a gospel sermon to these lost souls!

4 Paul Reasoned Reason = to converse, discuss, argue Jude 3
Paul contended for the faith

5 The Non-Conversion Of Felix Acts 24:24-27 (Expository Sermon)
Righteousness Right doing as God commands Ps. 119:172 Acts 10:35 In preaching righteous we are preaching the keeping of God’s commandments Plan of salvation Paul most likely covered the Plan of Salvatio Salvation, First Principles

6 Temperance Temperance = self-control
Men have the ability to control themselves if they so desire Gal. 5:22-23 2 Pet. 2:5-11

7 Judgment To Come In view of the coming judgment, Paul persuaded men
2 Cor. 5:10-11 Heb. 9:27

8 The Reaction Of Felix He trembled
Felix was a man who lived an unrighteous life He lacked self control The judgment to come made him tremble

9 The Reaction Of Felix Rom. 14:11-12
One would think the terror he felt would have moved Felix to repent! Acts 24:25

10 The Reaction Of Felix There is no evidence that the convenient season ever arrived What can we learn from Felix? He represents the many who have delayed obedience to the gospel while wishing for a convenient season in the future

11 Why One Should Not Wait For A More Convenient Season
1) Death may occur Js. 4:13-14 2) One’s heart may become hardened by sin Heb. 3:12-13

12 Why One Should Not Wait For A More Convenient Season
3) Jesus may come The time of the coming of Jesus is not known Mt. 24:36 “Hence, all should be prepared to meet the lord when he does come”

13 Conclusion Felix had a wonderful opportunity to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ He had the proper reaction to the word preached – he was convicted of his sin which should have led him to repentance

14 The Non-Conversion Of Felix Acts 24:24-27 (Expository Sermon)
Conclusion He foolishly put off obedience to the Lord when it would have been easy to obey the gospel What about you? Salvation, First Principles

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