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Welcome to the Exceptional Needs Panel Conference 2018

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2 Welcome to the Exceptional Needs Panel Conference 2018

3 Richard Haynes – Chair Exceptional Needs Advisory Group
ENP Conference Welcome and Overview Richard Haynes – Chair Exceptional Needs Advisory Group

4 9. 00am. Welcome and Introductions 9. 10am. SEND in Hertfordshire 9
9.00am Welcome and Introductions 9.10am SEND in Hertfordshire 9.30am ENF Updates 9.50am SEND Workstream Updates Specialist Provision Targeted Services 10.20am Indicators of Need 11.00am Tea/Coffee 11.30am Evaluating the Early Years Indicators of Need 12.00pm ENF Training and Feedback 12.45pm Close 1.00pm Lunch

5 Richard Haynes – Chair Exceptional Needs Advisory Group
ENP Conference ENF Update Richard Haynes – Chair Exceptional Needs Advisory Group

6 ENP Conference – Update
What Happened in 2017? We delivered on our 2017 Conference promises: Met the needs of over 1070 young people (1077 in 2016/17) Agreed approximately 75% of all cases submitted Took greater notice of the funding available at panels

7 ENP Conference Update What Happened in 2017?
Implemented the outcomes from the ENF Review – Delivered 10% more funding for ENF as well as an inflationary increase for payments to schools Changed the multiple cases factor to be more responsive to need particularly in secondary schools Introduced Descriptors of Need Improved the panel process

8 ENP Conference Update Where are we now? You currently:
Meet the needs of 725 children (665 in 2016) (Autumn data) Engage with an extensive range of support services Have a comprehensive file on ENF and new Descriptors of Need All have some funding to allocate this term! AND……

9 ENP Conference Update Where are we now? You currently:
Know the outcome of the ENF Review and how these changes have been implemented Understand that ENF is recognised as a successful way of meeting the needs of some of our most complex SEND young people

10 What Happens Next - Funding?
ENP Conference Update What Happens Next - Funding? The Facts and Figures An inflationary increase in funding A budget increase from £6.2m to £6.5m

11 What Happens Next - Process
ENP Conference Update What Happens Next - Process Exceptional Needs Funding will continue to meet the needs of our most complex young people with SEND BUT

12 What Happens Next - Process
ENP Conference Update What Happens Next - Process Our decision making must continue to become more effective and robust to ensure our funding is targeted to meet the needs of our most complex and exceptional needs children in Hertfordshire.

13 What Happens Next - Process
ENP Conference Update What Happens Next - Process The Challenges We Face Ensuring equity and fairness Targeting funding at the most complex and exceptional cases Improving the quality of our decision making Providing purposeful feedback to schools Supporting schools and SENCos to understand the ENF process and SEND funding for schools in general

14 ENP Conference Update What Happens Next How do we respond to this?
We use the guidance we have been given We continue to make difficult decisions at local cluster level so that the District Panels can concentrate on the cases for young people with the most complex and exceptional needs We fund only those cases whose needs are significant and long term giving them the significant funding that they need We ensure we work within the existing budget and plan our use of this carefully.

15 What Happens Next - Process
ENP Conference Update What Happens Next - Process What will this look like for our next round of ENF? You will continue to apply for ENF in exactly the same way as you do now You will identify the totality of a young person’s needs and the provision required to meet these needs. A formula will calculate the funding a school receives The Multiple Cases formula will apply BUT – Your decision making will be more effective and robust

16 ENP Conference – Session 2
What Happens Next - Process How can we be more effective and robust? We need to remember the guidance about the likely characteristics of a child for whom exceptional needs funding is agreed: Requires a highly individualised teaching programme Is supported by highly individualised learning targets Is completely dependent on high levels of support to engage or make progress Is supported by adults for the majority of the time with some small group and whole class learning Has the involvement of external support services in ongoing assessment with likely multi-agency involvement.

17 What Happens Next - Process
ENP Conference Update What Happens Next - Process How can we be more effective and robust? Use the Descriptors of Need to help identify those who may be eligible for ENF Provide training for schools/settings on the use of funding Provide training for SENCOs in the effective use and completion of the application form Provide support and training for SENCOs to identify appropriate cases to refer to panels Improve panel processes so that they are more effective and consistent when making decisions

18 What Happens Next - Process
ENP Conference Update What Happens Next - Process How can we be more effective and robust? Improve the quality of feedback to schools and settings Involve support services more effectively in supporting schools and settings where there is a ‘no’ decision Improve the guidance to schools and settings by updating the ENF file Use consistent assessment tools across Hertfordshire so that there is a greater understanding of how needs are assessed. Develop a better moderation/quality assurance process Enhance the role of the Panel Chair

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