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What is a Peer Educator.

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1 What is a Peer Educator

2 A “Peer” is someone with whom you have something
in common. A Peer Educator is a person who gives information, but not advice, usually to a group of people, but sometimes in a one on one  communication.

3 Qualities of a Successful Peer Educator.
Leadership Effective in bringing a group or individuals together to accomplish a task and in getting ideas accepted. Communication Clearly conveying information and ideas through a variety of media to individuals or groups in a manner that engages the audience and helps them understand and retain the message. Building Trust Interacting with others in a way that gives them (others) confidence in the Peer Educators intensions and those (Intensions) of the organisation.

4 Gaining commitment Using appropriate interpersonal styles and techniques to gain acceptance of ideas or plans of the Peer Education Programme; modifying one’s own behaviour to accommodate tasks, situations and individuals involved. Developing awareness Raise awareness and educate others concerning HIV/AIDS and to influence their attitudes and behaviour. Integrity Maintaining and promoting social , ethical and organisational norms in conducting internal and external activities.

5 Adaptability Maintaining effectiveness when experiencing changes in the work environment; adjusting effectively to work constraints and performing Peer Education work additional to normal duties. Innovation Generating innovative solutions in the Peer Education programme; trying different and novel ways to deal with work problems and opportunities. Self-confidence Expressing confidence in dealing with increasingly challenging circumstances, in reaching decisions or forming opinions, and in handling failures constructively.

6 Interpersonal Understanding
The ability to hear accurately and understanding the unspoken or partly expressed thoughts, feelings. And concerns of others. Continuous learning Actively identifying new areas for learning; regularly creating and taking advantage of learning opportunities; using newly gained knowledge and skills in the Peer Education programme and learning through application. Change Agent Practice what you preach or setting an example in relation to behavioural life style changes.  

7 Duties of Peer Educators.
Increase employee knowledge and awareness about HIV/AIDS Reduce the risk and vulnerability of employees to the virus. Try to achieve changes in sexual behaviours of employees who expose themselves to risks of HIV. Eliminate the stigma attached to being infected with HIV/AIDS.

8 Duties of Peer Educators
Encourage employee involvement in community activities against HIV/AIDS. To prolong the dignified and productive life of employees through effective treatment  Care and Support. To reduce the business impact of the epidemic through risk elimination initiatives To encourage employees to know their status.

9 Activities Involvement in special events like ( WAD, Condom Week, Red Ribbon Month, Candle Light Memorial etc) Involvement in Educational programmes- Drama, posters, videos, and handout etc. Involvement in campaigns  - VCT, Elimination of Stigma, TB Month campaigns. Outreach to  - Churches, schools, Hostels , Orphanages, Hospices , Non Governmental Organisation’s, Faith Based Organisation’s and Community Based Organisation’s.

10 Accepted Behaviours of PGE’s
Caring and Supportive Non- Judgemental Willing to give their personal time to educate and support employees Accepted and respected  by colleagues Respect and understand the importance of Confidentiality regarding people’s status. Change Agent.

11 Accepted Behaviours of PGE’s
Open Minded Informative Responsible Non- Judgemental Committed Empathetic Genuine  and Punctual

12 “Our vision is to give hope to a hopeless world”
Thank you “Our vision is to give hope to a hopeless world”

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