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Presentation on theme: "GROUNDWATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT IN SLOVENIA (STATUS & TRENDS)"— Presentation transcript:

Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia Marjeta Krajnc, Mojca Dobnikar-Tehovnik 23/02/2019

2 Groundwater in Slovenia
Slovenia: km2; alluvial aquifers: ca. 20% of area, karstic and fractured porosity aquifers: ca. 60% of area Drinking water supply in Slovenia (% of inhabitants) 23/02/2019

3 Decree on the GW quality (OJ RS, 11/02) Main features
Limit values for 23 parameters of chemical status – environmental standards for GW Statistical treatment of monitoring data (same as proposed by WG 2.8) Criteria for the determination of : GW chemical status , long term trends of pollution, endangered GW bodies 23/02/2019

4 Decree on the GW quality Slovene standards
Limit values Parameter Unit Drinking water Ground Ammonium mg NH4+/l 0,50 0,06 Potassium mg K+/l / 10,00 Nitrate mg NO3-/l 50,0 25,00 Individual pesticide g/l 0,1 Atrazine 0,10 Pesticides 0,5 Mineral oils µg/l Tetrachloroethylene and trichloroethylene 10,0 4,00 Volatile halogenated hydrocarbons Chromium 50,00 30,00 23/02/2019

5 GW quality monitoring (1) Monitoring network
INTERGRANULAR POROSITY AQUIFERS: about 100 measuring sites on shallow alluvial aquifers, variable depth of filters; 3 measuring sites in deeper layers Wells of waterwork stations Private wells (in function or abandoned) Borings Piezometers Automatic measuring stations (multilevel piezometers, on-line measuring NO3, T, pH, conductivity, O2) KARSTIC AND FRACTIONED POROSITY AQUIFERS: 23 measuring sites, mostly springs 23/02/2019

6 GW quality monitoring (2) Sampling frequency & parameters analysed
GW quality monitoring since 1986 Sampling frequency: 2 – 4 times yearly Analysed parameters: about 120 different physical and chemical parameters 23/02/2019

7 GW quality monitoring (3) Parameters analysed

8 GW quality assessment before 2002
Separate quality assessment for alluvial aquifers and for springs GW quality assessment for alluvial aquifers for individual sampling site as well as for the aquifer (arithmetic mean) Yearly average results of analysed parameters for individual sampling site compared with limit values for drinking water (DW) Results for priority parameters (nitrates, pesticides and AOX) for all sampling sites on alluvial aquifers shown on the maps of Slovenia Long term trends for individual sampling site 23/02/2019

9 23/02/2019

10 GW quality assessment according to Decree from 2002 on (1)
Determination of GW chemical status for the GWB (2002 – 2004 for aquifer) Good chemical status: CLAM < LV for every parameter of chemical status CLAM: % confidence limit Determination of long term trends for GWB 23/02/2019

11 GW quality assessment according to Decree from 2002 on (2)
Determination of endangered GWB: one or more parameters CLAM > LV (for nitrates CLAM > 2*LV) or upward trend for three or more parameters 23/02/2019

12 GW quality monitoring network in Slovenia

13 GW quality monitoring network: alluvial aquifers of central Sava river

14 Nitrates 2002: comparison of results for 5 individual aquifers of central Sava river and group of aquifers Limit value (LV) for nitrates: 25 mg NO3- / l 23/02/2019

15 Atrazine 2002: comparison of results for 5 individual aquifers of central Sava river and group of aquifers Limit value (lV) for atrazine: 0,1 µg / l 23/02/2019

16 Long term trend determination
Arithmetic mean AM50 (AM0, AM100) Linear regression Significant trend: R2 > 0,5 Summation of parameters as pesticides or volatile halogenated aliphatic hydrocarbons: conc. of individual compound < LOD   conc. of individual compound = 0 23/02/2019

17 Long term trend for atrazine: comparison of results for 5 individual aquifers of central Sava river and group of aquifers 23/02/2019

18 Problems of new GW quality assessment (1)
Problem #1: some GWBs have mixed types of aquifers (porous, fractured) Problem #2: aquifers themselves are in most cases non-homogene, anisotropic 3D bodies Problem #3: monitoring network on porous alluvial aquifers is heterogene (different kind of objects, different pumping rate, different depth and width of filters)  representativity of sampling sites for the whole GWB? 23/02/2019

19 Problems of new GW quality assessment (2)
Problem #4: representativity of monitoring network and status assessment on karstic aquifers or GW bodies Problem #5: low number of monitoring objects on some GWB  to high scattering of results for statistical treatment Problem #6: low density of monitoring objects  pollution might be “hidden” Problem #7: in Slovenia monitoring on mostly shallow non-confined alluvial aquifers  more polluted than deeper confined layers and fractured aquifers  comparison between Member States? 23/02/2019

20 QUESTIONS The purpose of GW immision monitoring – early detection of pollution by infiltration (pesticides and nitrates)?  monitoring of upper part of aquifer? GW bodies are 3D entities - multilevel piezometers? Aquifers are anizotropic, non-homogene bodies – density of piezometers? Monitoring network on karstic aquifers – only springs? 23/02/2019

21 Conclusions Delineation of GWB is of crucial importance for GWB quality assessment For chemical status determination monitoring network has to be representative for the whole GWB Combined approach (chemical status + evaluation of GW pollution on individual sampling site or sector) enables more effective pollution controll 23/02/2019


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