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Topic:“Lessons learnt from the 2011 Census”

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1 Topic:“Lessons learnt from the 2011 Census”
First meeting of the Technical Coordination Group for the next Census round in South East Europe Budapest, Topic:“Lessons learnt from the 2011 Census” Dijana Krstevska Head of Department for Population Statistics State Statistical Office REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA

2 Topics of the presentation
Experience from the previous Censuses Preparatory activities Key findings Main challenges

3 Content of the presentation
Census Background - Lessons learnt from the past; Compliance with the CES Recommendations for the 2010 censuses - dilemmas and open questions Key findings from the 2011 Census.

4 Census Background - Lessons learnt from the past
In all previous Censuses (period after the proclamation of independence of the Republic of Macedonia) - traditional method of enumeration - field data collection with face-to-face interview done by trained enumerators; 10-year periodicity – withexceptions; Responsible institution - SSO

5 Census Background - Lessons learnt from the past
Conducted Censuses - carried out with noticeable differences in relation to: Concept of enumeration - de facto; de jure Special Law on Census; Reference date of enumeration; Language of enumeration; Coverage; Monitoring;

6 Compliance with CES Recommendations for the 2010 censuses
Determination of the place of usual residence; Coverage of migrant population - related to treatment of present and absent population; Change in household composition - because of the exclusion of members being absent a year or more.

7 Key findings from the 2011 Census
The procedure for conducting the 2011 Census provided a broad range of new experience for Macedonian statistics; The contents of the Census Law, census methodology and census instruments were prepared in accordance with the “Recommendations for the 2010 Censuses of Population and Housing in the ECE Region” by UN/ECE and Eurostat and in accordance with the needs of our country. In the whole process of preparation and organisation of the census activities, the SSO was monitored and positively evaluated by the experts from EUROSTAT.

8 Key findings from the 2011 Census - (continued)
The SSO is much more aware about the necessary conditions – “Conditio sine qua non”; Stable state policy; Support to the census preparation and implementation by all relevant institutions in the country; Greater acceptance and full understanding of the Census Law by all participants in the procedure; Coverage of the census units; Timely preparations; Create a climate of trust between the local population and the participants in the census.

9 Key findings from the 2011 Census – (continued)
The SSO considers that it has the capacity, experience and knowledge to meet the challenge of carrying out the next Census, when the necessary conditions for its implementation have been met. Experience shows us that we have to take into consideration the attitude of the population for the next Census when selecting the enumeration method - to avoid any risk of possible mistrust and non-participation in the enumeration.

10 Thank you for your attention!

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