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Solutions Biology 11.

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1 Solutions Biology 11

2 Vocab: Solution: is a homogeneous mixture of one or more solutes dissolved in a solvent. Solvent: the substance in the greater amount, in which a solute dissolves, usually a liquid Solute: dissolved substance, lesser amount  

3 Types of solutions: Hypertonic Hypotonic Isotonic

4 HYPERTONIC solutions are those in which more solute is present.
– concentration of dissolved substances is higher outside the cell than inside. (Water will move OUT OF THE CELL)

5 HYPOTONIC solutions are those with less solute present.
– concentration of dissolved substances is lower outside the cell than inside. (Water will move INTO THE CELL)

6 ISOTONIC solutions have equal (iso-) concentrations of dissolved substances. Solute concentrations are the same outside the cell and inside. (Equal amounts of water movement in and out of the cell, with a net flow is zero).


8 Animal cell in different solutions
isotonic hypotonic hypertonic

9 Plant cell in different solutions
isotonic hypotonic hypertonic

10 Turgor pressure The pressure exerted by the cytoplasm (and water in the cell) against the non-living cell wall of plant cells.

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