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Fairness and Unfairness

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1 Fairness and Unfairness
Week 13 Vocabulary Fairness and Unfairness

2 1. Amenable Willing to consider; open to advice or suggestion (adjective) Meena’s parents were amenable to extending her curfew, as long as she had her cell phone and called to check in.

3 2. Deception A trick; an attempt to make someone believe something that is not true When she didn’t do her homework, the student resorted to deception, telling her teacher that she needed to see the nurse.

4 3. Forbearance Patience; not reacting when annoyed or harmed (noun)
The big dog showed gentle forbearance towards the annoying new kittens.

5 4. Objective Fair, impartial (adjective) Realistic, actual (adjective)
A goal or purpose (noun) It is difficult to be objective when you are judging a contest that your best friend is competing in.

6 5. Partiality A favorable bias or a prejudice toward something
Preferring one thing over another My grandma knows about my partiality for chocolate cake.

7 6. Partisanship Very strong, sometimes excessive support for one group, idea, or cause (noun) The Alabama fan showed his partisanship at the football game by painting his chest and face red and white.

8 7. Preconceived Believed before one has full knowledge or experience (adjective) Sean had a preconceived idea that he would hate summer camp.

9 8. Slander False and harmful statements about someone (noun)
The man was accused of slander when he called his opponent a thief. To make false and harmful statements about someone (verb) Jenna decided that she could no longer be friends with the girl who had slandered her by spreading rumors.

10 9. Subjective Ruled by personal thoughts or feelings (adjective)
The coach showed that he was subjective when he chose his favorite student to be team captain.

11 10. Tolerate To allow; to put up with; to endure (verb)
The downstairs neighbors had to tolerate the noise from the children who lived upstairs.

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