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Climate Verses Weather

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Presentation on theme: "Climate Verses Weather"— Presentation transcript:

1 Climate Verses Weather
Is there a difference?

2 Climate Vs. Weather Climate Long-term weather patterns of an area
Current state of the troposphere Short term variations

3 Climatology The study of Earth’s climate and the factors that affect past, present, and future climatic changes

4 Normals Standard values for a location
Average values over a long period of time

5 Longitude and Latitude Lines:

6 What Causes Different Climates?
Topography Coastal Regions, areas near water, are warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer Latitude

7 Latitude The latitude lines are all parallel lines running east to west and they are numbered from 0 to 90 degrees increasing from the equator to the North Pole (0 to -90 degrees towards the South Pole). You cannot see latitude lines on the ground. They are just a way of measuring how far north or south of the equator something is on a map or globe model.

8 Arctic Circle Tropic of Cancer Equator Tropic of Capricorn
Latitude Equator Tropic of Capricorn Tropic of Cancer Arctic Circle Antarctic Circle 66.5° N 23.5° N 23.5° S 66.5° S

9 Latitude Polar Temperate Tropics Tropics Temperate Polar

10 Climate Regions Tropics Temperate Polar
Most solar radiation, generally warm Between Tropics of Capricorn and Cancer Temperate Between 23.5 and 66.5 North and South Mild temperatures Polar 66.5 North and South to the Poles Cold Temperatures

11 Koeppen Classification System
Classified based on temperature and amount of precipitation Tropical Dry Mild Continental Polar

12 Climate Change

13 Long-Term Climatic Change
Climates change over extremely long periods of time Ice Ages – Periods of extensive glacial coverage Most recent ended 10,000 years ago Temps dropped 5°C

14 Short-Term Climatic Change
Caused by regular variations in daylight, temp, and weather patterns Examples: Seasons El Nino (Warm ocean current)

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