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Presentation on theme: "CIVIL WAR LECTURE SERIES"— Presentation transcript:

THE MARYLAND CAMPAIGN Every Wednesday evening June 1 ~ August 31 CIVIL WAR LECTURE SERIES SPONSORED BY THE JACOB ROHRBACH INN Come join leading historians, Antietam Battlefield Guides, NPS volunteer interpreters and living history presenters as they discuss intriguing topics of the Maryland Campaign of 1862 and the Civil War. Weather permitting, all talks will be held on the grounds of the Jacob Rohrbach Inn at 7:oo p.m. every Wednesday. Feel free to bring a chair or blanket. Parking is available on Main and Hall Streets. For updates and a full schedule of presenters & topics check either our Facebook page at or our website at For further information call (301) ~ ~ BONUS ~ ~ These evening programs are entirely free and open to the public! HEADQUARTERS, SHARPSBURG, MARYLAND JACOB ROHRBACH INN 138 West Main Street Guest Speakers include: John Schildt ~ Gerald Talbert ~ Kevin Pawlak ~ Gordon Dammann ~ Pat Todd Jim Rosebrock ~ Joe Stahl ~ Matt Borders ~ Stephen Recker ~ Sharon Murray Bill Sagle ~ Audrey Scanlan-Teller ~ Tracey McIntire ~ Tom Clemens

2 Summer Schedule June 1: Drums along the Antietam - John Schildt
June 8: To Afraid to Cry - Civilians of Sharpsburg - Gerald Talbert June 15: Battle of Shepherdstown - Kevin Pawlak June 22: Medical care at Antietam - Gordon Dammann June 29: "The Terrible Reality: Photographing the Civil War“ - Pat Todd July 6: "Young Guns" of Antietam - Jim Rosebrock July 13: ID discs and Images of soldiers at the Sunken Road - Joe Stahl July 20: Spy Game in Western Maryland - Matt Borders July 27: Rare Images of Antietam – Stephen Recker Aug. 3: Battery B, 4th US Artillery - Sharon Murray Aug. 10: "Hood's Attack: The Confederate's Best Chance At Sharpsburg“ - Bill Sagle Aug. 17: Women soldiers in the Civil War - Audrey Scanlan-Teller & Tracey McIntire Aug. 24: Tom Clemens - Ezra Carman and the Battlefield Aug 31: Four Days in October - John Schildt


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