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Answering a Tybalt exam question Date: Objectives

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1 Answering a Tybalt exam question Date: Objectives
Take notes on the antagonist of the play. Come to a better understanding of Tybalt. Warm-up – take down all the key words that describe Tybalt. Pick one and explain it then. Menacing, quarrelsome, troublemaker, vengeful, provocative, temperamental, destructive, negative, villainous.

2 Tybalt: Bio - Introduction
Tybalt is Juliet’s cousin and thus a Capulet. Hatred of all Montagues is his principal motive for action as he threatens to kill Benvolio in his first appearance. “Turn thee, Benvolio, look upon thy death” (Act 1,1) When Benvolio declines to fight, Tybalt shows his contempt for both the Montagues and peace; “What, drawn, and talk of peace? I hate the word As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee” (Tybalt is a specialist in the art of killing – how might peace annoy him?)

3 Tybalt: out of control When Prince Escalus bans conflict, Tybalt finds another opportunity to cause trouble, his victim this time being Romeo. When he sees Romeo at the feast he calls for his rapier and says; “To strike him dead I hold it not a sin” (Act 1,5) Tybalt has to be forced to leave by Lord Capulet. (Some say Tybalt’s fate is to live by the sword and die by the sword. Do you agree?)

4 Tybalt: key scene Tybalt’s violent nature is demonstrated in its most dramatic form in Act 3, scene 1. Tybalt looks for Romeo in order to kill him. As was standard practise, to provoke a duel insults Romeo; “Romeo, the love I bear thee can afford No better term than this: thou art a villain” (Act 3,1) (Does Tybalt fight fair? Can you think of any positive attributes for Tybalt?)

5 Tybalt: underhanded Tybalt engages in foul play by thrusting his sword under Romeo’s arm and fatally wounding the unsuspecting Mercutio. As a result of his actions two people die within minutes; Mercutio and himself; and Romeo is banished from Verona. His final words are a threat “Thou, wretched boy, that didst consort him here, Shalt with him hence” (Act 3,1) (talking about Mercutio)

6 Tybalt’s role Tybalt’s role is entirely negative. He tries to keep the Montague – Capulet feud going which results in the death of many young people. His opposite in the play is Benvolio who seeks peace He has the greatest influence in the play and shapes events like no other character.

7 Final note Notice that Tybalt likes to speak in rhymed couplets ("shall" and "gall" rhyme for example), which could sound kind of ridiculous—but here just sound menacing. Mercutio, who hates Tybalt, gives him the "catty" nickname the "Prince of Cats," and it totally fits. (What are cats like?)

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