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Inquiry Question How did the Industrial Revolution impact citizens in Britain in the 18th century?

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Presentation on theme: "Inquiry Question How did the Industrial Revolution impact citizens in Britain in the 18th century?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sit in assigned groups. Then discuss your reactions to the two images below.

2 Inquiry Question How did the Industrial Revolution impact citizens in Britain in the 18th century?

3 Supporting Questions Supporting Question 3:
Supporting Question 1: How did the Industrial Revolution create geographical or population shifts in Britain during the 18th century? Supporting Question 2: How did population shifts impact the quality of life in urban cities in Britain? Supporting Question 3: How did the Industrial Revolution impact work conditions of British citizens? Supporting Question 4: How did the Industrial Revolution positively impact citizens in Britain during the 18th century?

4 Overcrowding in Cities


6 Urbanization and British Life
Decline of farming lifestyle Rise of Capitalist Economy People working and living in cities People living in close proximity to each other in the city Depiction of London Slums

7 Depiction of London Slums
Quality of Urban Life? Some celebrated rise of cities: Centralization of people Exchange of ideas Modern advancements Some heavily criticized: Living conditions worse off than they were before Friedrich Engels one of biggest critics Depiction of London Slums

8 Supporting Questions Supporting Question 3:
Supporting Question 1: How did the Industrial Revolution create geographical or population shifts in Britain during the 18th century? Supporting Question 2: How did population shifts impact the quality of life in urban cities in Britain? Supporting Question 3: How did the Industrial Revolution impact work conditions of British citizens? Supporting Question 4: How did the Industrial Revolution positively impact citizens in Britain during the 18th century?

9 Close Read Expectations
In your small groups, you will work together to answer the close read questions about living conditions in Industrial Britain Each question is complex and requires discussion Only after you have sufficiently answered one question, can you move on to the next question as a group Be sure your answers follow the guidelines established at the beginning of class: Restate and directly answer the question with first sentence Cite a couple of words as evidence Have a sentence or two of reasoning to explain evidence and thinking You have remainder of class

10 Question 1 Based on lines 1 – 7, what can we infer about the author’s intent in writing this piece? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

11 Question 2 What does the author mean by “centralization of population” in line 12? What details does the author provide between lines to help you understand the meaning of this phrase?

12 Question 3 Based on lines 12-27, contrast the author’s views regarding city life and rural life. In other words, how is life in the city different from life in the country?

13 Question 4 In line 27, the author characterizes the streets as “vitiated.” Based on the context, how would you define “vitiated”? What context clues did you use to arrive at your definition?

14 Question 5 What is the author’s tone between lines 27 and 34? How does the author use word choice to create this tone and what impact does it have on readers?

15 Question 6 “Pathos” is a literary technique in which an author appeals to the emotions of a reader in order to better make his or her point. How does the author use pathos between lines 35 and 45. Support your answer with evidence from the text.

16 Question 7 In line 50, the author states that under the present conditions in England, a woman “can be no real mother to the child”. Within this paragraph, what does he argue to be the cause of this? More importantly, what will be the long-lasting repercussions of this?

17 Question 8 Between lines 57-59, the author appears to make the argument that the Industrial Revolution has robbed men of their manliness and women of their womanliness. Based on what you have read, what could have led to men being seen as unmanly and women as unwomanly? Support your answer with evidence from the text.

18 Question 9 Between lines 65-70, the author argues that there is a connection between shifting gender roles and the dissolution of the family. Based on these lines, how did changing gender roles during the Industrial Revolution threaten families in England?

19 Question 10 Using MULTIPLE pieces of evidence from the text, evaluate the following claim: “The population shifts that happened as a result of the Industrial Revolution led to a poor quality of life for citizens of Britain.”

20 Class Discussion How did population shifts impact the quality of life in urban cities in Britain?

21 Depiction of London Slums
Quality of Urban Life? Urban life was very poor and had many negatives: Disease spread easily Waste thrown in streets Respiration problems Rise of drug and alcohol use Breakdown of families Depiction of London Slums

22 Reminders Finish close readers and turn in on Monday
Have a great Thanksgiving Break

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