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How we are Managing our RAG Status.....

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Presentation on theme: "How we are Managing our RAG Status....."— Presentation transcript:

1 How we are Managing our RAG Status.....

2 Why did we identify a need to have a process to manage our RAG self assessment?
Our Current local Set Up..... Because of this...... Ayrshire & Arran LDP Programme 16 Workstreams 16 Project Charters 16 workstream action plans We have 25 NDP Actions being managed across sixteen workstreams We needed a robust process to assure a consistent approach across the workstreams

3 How did we go about this ???....Firstly we listened to staff feedback.
The NDP tool can be difficult to navigate We just need information on the actions that we are working on There is no summary of the actions indicating which have to be completed by year Are we self assessing where we are NOW or at the end of the year????

4 5.5(2014)- currently no metrics to measure this action against
Some actions cannot physically be GREEN due to factors out with our control 6.1(2013)-A workstream with ISD has been established nationally to coordinate this 1.3(2014)- unable to locally progress to green 2013 requirements until the national aspects have been undertaken by NES & Quality Hub 5.5(2014)- currently no metrics to measure this action against 2.4(2015)- awaiting Community Care Outcome Framework to be published to progress 2013 green RAG requirements

5 The final 4 actions will have RAG deliverables for 2013/2014/2015
Simplifying the Process good to see what actions needed to completed by year 9 Actions should be completed by end 2013 & will only have RAG deliverables for 2013 12 Actions should be completed by end of 2014 & will have RAG deliverables for 2013 & 2014 The final 4 actions will have RAG deliverables for 2013/2014/2015

6 Simplifying the 2013 RAG Process
Made a template for each NDP action illustrating the RAG deliverables for 2013 Templates for specific NDP actions given to the relevant workstream lead Leads for all workstreams brought together to conduct the RAG 2013 self assessment These templates ONLY focussed on the RAG deliverables for 2013 from the NDP Tool

7 The Process; illustrated using NDP Action 4.1
All the information relating to the process is taken directly from the “LIST VIEW” of the NDP tool 2013 RAG

8 The 6 Steps in the Process: Steps 1 to 4
2. Is each deliverable completed? 1. Discuss each element of the 2013 deliverables 3. Capture activity to date to address each deliverable 4. If any of the deliverables are incomplete then capture what needs to be done to address this

9 To progress to GREEN all 3 deliverables need to be complete
The 6 Steps in the Process- Step 5 STEP 5- Refer to RAG Guide template to determine status To progress from RED to AMBER the first two deliverables NEED to be completed To progress to GREEN all 3 deliverables need to be complete

10 A Live Example from Our November 2013 Self Assessment Process- using NDP Action 4.1
Action point one was incomplete. Activity to date was noted and future actions captured The bottom two action points were completed. Activity was captured. No future action requirements

11 To progress off RED point one MUST be completed
A Live Example from Our November 2013 Self Assessment Process- using NDP Action 4.1 To progress off RED point one MUST be completed In reviewing our activity against the RAG status in Step 5, although two out of the three actions were complete we were still RED...... Completion of the bottom two points alone does not allow you to progress from RED

12 Step 6- Collating the information & updating the NDP Tool
Centrally we gather all the updated RAG status for each of the NDP actions Centrally this information is then input to the NDP Toolkit.....ownership of the tool sits with only 2 people. Information is then forwarded onto the CHPO

13 Our 2013 RAG Status as Assessed November 2013

14 RAG Status is reviewed intermittently to track progress across the actions.....

15 Moving onto the 2014 RAG Deliverables...What’s Next
Any of the 9 NDP actions due for completion by 2013 that are not yet green will continue to be progressed against the RAG 2013 deliverables. The completed actions are embedded into our service plans and will be further developed locally The remaining actions due for completion by 2014 or 2015 will continue to work on any outstanding deliverables from the 2013 RAG whilst now beginning to address the 2014 & 2015 RAG deliverables

16 Repeat Self assessment process for 2014 RAG requirements for remaining 16 NDP Actions- NDP Action 4.1

17 Repeat Self assessment process for 2014 RAG- NDP Action 4.1
New templates issued to reflect additional 2014 RAG requirements

18 Repeat Self assessment process for 2014 RAG; NDP Action 4.1

19 Local Alerts from our Project leads Moving onto reporting the 2014 RAG Status.......
If we have been green on our 2013 RAG deliverables and then move onto being assessed on the additional 2014 RAG deliverables, we will move from GREEN to RED and this could be disheartening Will there be clearer national guidance on IMPACT MEASURES to facilitate reporting

20 Locally Considering logging overall percentage completion of full NDP requirements by 2015; Action 4.1 3 deliverables within 2013 RAG Additional 2 deliverables within 2014 RAG No additions in 2015 For NDP Action 4.1 a total of 5 deliverables across the course of the NDP

21 Locally Considering logging overall percentage completion of full NDP requirements by NDP Action 4.1 Tracking Percentage Completion of 2015 NDP Requirements for NDP Action 4.1 Total activities to be completed by 2015 5 Total activities completed to date 3 Current Percentage completion 3/5 = 60% As this action finishes in 2014 then we would be looking for 100% in 2014

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