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Word Clouds Based on the Characters from Romeo and Juliet

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Presentation on theme: "Word Clouds Based on the Characters from Romeo and Juliet"— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Clouds Based on the Characters from Romeo and Juliet
Who are all of these people?????

2 Each group needs to get a piece of paper and markers.
Do now Each group needs to get a piece of paper and markers.

3 WORD CLOUDS Each group will draw a character name
You will go through the book and write down words the character says often- I suggest giving each person one act and then combining lists after a few minutes Then you will make a WORD CLOUD!- but what is that?

4 Examples…

5 Presentations! Present your word cloud to the class
We will hang them up at the end of class

6 Exit slip Using your character and the words you discovered, write a brief statement about what kind of character traits your character has– why do you think that?

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