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Mitosis Cell division.

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Presentation on theme: "Mitosis Cell division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mitosis Cell division

2 Mitosis = Cell Division
We all began as one cell… how did we grow to the size we are today? CELL DIVISION! Cell division allows us to grow The body uses mitosis to replace dead or damaged cells

3 Mitosis Single cells are reproduced- one parent cell divides to produce two identical daughter cells DNA is duplicated and an exact copy of chromosomes are passed to each daughter cell Occurs in all cell types except sex cells Parent Cell Daughter Cells

4 Cell Cycle: G M Cytokinesis

5 Stages of Mitosis Use your textbook to complete the following chart on the stages of mitosis Stage Features Sketch



8 Checkpoints The cell uses proteins to tell the nucleus when it can divide Signals NOT to divide Signals from surrounding cells tell cell not to divide There are not enough nutrients for cell DNA has not replicated DNA is damaged

9 Why can’t a human be one huge cell?
Surface area to volume ratio If the cell is too large, diffusion to get nutrients IN and waste OUT will take too long

10 Difference between Osmosis and Diffusion
Diffusion is the movement of particles of a substance from area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Example: Substances travelling from one cell to another Osmosis: The movement of water across a membrane.

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