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CS170 Computer Organization and Architecture I

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1 CS170 Computer Organization and Architecture I
Ayman Abdel-Hamid Department of Computer Science Old Dominion University Lecture 10: 9/26/2002 Lecture 10: 9/26/2002 CS170 Fall 2002

2 Outline Problem 2.15 Rates of Improvement Influences on Performance
Summary of performance tests A look ahead (chapter 3) Lecture 10: 9/26/2002 CS170 Fall 2002

3 Rates of Improvement F = (1 + R)N F improvement factor
R rate of improvement per duration (e.g., per year) N number of durations (e.g., number of years) For DRAMs, the component density increases 60% per year. What is the improvement factor in 3 years? R = 0.60 N = 3 F = (1+R)N = (1+0.6)3 = 4.096 Lecture 10: 9/26/2002 CS170 Fall 2002

4 Influences on Performance
Execution time = IC * CPI * Cycle time = IC * [CPU cycles per instruction + Memory cycles per instruction ] * cycle time = IC * [CPU cycles per instruction + (References per instruction * cycles per reference) ] * Cycle time Instruction Set Architecture Compiler Technology CPU Implementation Cache and Memory Hierarchy From “Cache and Memory Hierarchy Design”, S.A. Przybylski Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Inc. 1990 Lecture 10: 9/26/2002 CS170 Fall 2002

5 Performance Tests Kernels Synthetic Benchmarks
Small pieces of real programs, subroutines or inner loops. Examples Livermore (series of 21 small loop fragments) loops and Linpack (portion of a linear algebra subroutine package). Very popular for benchmarking scientific applications. Can overstate performance of real applications Synthetic Benchmarks Whetstone and Dhrystone Small and Simple benchmarks Small and simple codes embodying a single well known algortihm. An example is a Quicksort code. They are too simple and too restricted in operations to test performance. Mixtures of real programs SPEC Lecture 10: 9/26/2002 CS170 Fall 2002

6 A Look Ahead Chapter 3 Overview of computer organization
Fetch/Execute cycle Computer operations addressing modes Instruction set design principles Overview of MIPS architecture Stored program concept Learn a subset of MIPS assembly language Show how MIPS instructions are represented in machine language Contrast MIPS architecture with other (I80X89 and PowerPC architectures Lecture 10: 9/26/2002 CS170 Fall 2002

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