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JHEP 2 Task 1.3 Workshop on Alignment

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1 JHEP 2 Task 1.3 Workshop on Alignment
JPI Cultural Heritage STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING Rome, November 29, 2017 JHEP 2 Task 1.3 Workshop on Alignment

2 WP1 – Task 1.3 Engagement with decision makers
Each Participant will carry out strategic dialogue initiatives within the Agencies/ Ministries involved in cultural heritage research across the consortium and beyond the JPICH. Such actions require the engagement of agencies and organizations involved in heritage science, exploring opportunities for cultural heritage, including synergies with H2020 and Structural Cohesion Funds. A synthetic report will be prepared yearly by each country with details of the specific actions towards alignment implementation carried out at national level. These reports will be presented at the Steering Committee meetings, that will propose specific actions (both at national and international levels) for the next 12 months. The contribution of such engagements and their impact on the identification of priorities crucial for the setup of Participants’ roadmaps, enabling effective and proactive integration of research activities, will be demonstrated. Countries will identify critical points (in time) and relevant national contact persons in the elaboration or revision of national research programmes and activities suitable for this topic, to pro-actively stimulate the implementation of best practices identified in in the new/revised national programmes. A 1 day workshop will be organized (with the Participants and representatives from other JPI and the GPC Working Group on Alignment at month 24 dedicated to monitoring alignment case studies (selection of specific alignment actions and review of its implementation/progress in specific countries).

3 Another Description of T1.3
Actively promoting the implementation of alignment of the national research programmes and activities relevant to Cultural Heritage of the Participants, based on the SRA, across the consortium and beyond the JPICH.

4 Task 1.3. Engagement with decison makers
Liaison with Member States’ programming authorities is necessary to promote alignment of national policies with JPI-CH SRA. Strategic dialogue initiatives should be carried out at national level Critical points (in time) and contact persons will be identified

5 Objective of JHEP2 Develop effective and efficient governance of the alignment of the national research and innovation programmes. This objective will be achieved in WP1 by: i) developing the overview of national research programmes relevant to Cultural Heritage mapping these to the priorities of the JPICH SRA identifying best practices in policy initiatives as well as policy instruments; ii) actively promoting the implementation of alignment of the national research programmes and activities relevant to Cultural Heritage with those of other Participants, based on the SRA, through policy dialogue workshops and seminars both within the Agencies/Ministries across the consortium and wider JPICH.

6 Alignment form the Perspective of:
GPC –High Level Group for Joint Programming - promote alignment of research strategies, programmes and agendas across Europe Countries - Europe must speed up solutions to tackle grand challenges through research, alignment and impact (Lund) JPIs – How to achieve alignment ERA-Learn – P2P community – Novel Alignment Modalities

7 Mutual Learning Exercise Alignment and Interoperability of National Research Programmes – Horizon 2020 Policy Support Facility Policy Support Facility gives the possibility for Member States (and countries associated to Horizon 2020) to participate together in a mutual learning exercise (MLE) to address a specific R&I policy challenge. This new opportunity was taken up by the European Research Area Committee (ERAC) High Level Group for Joint Programming Group (GPC), which proposed an MLE to help address the need to foster better alignment and interoperability in national research programmes. The MLE took place as a follow-up to the Lund Declaration, thereby ensuring momentum for a stronger alignment of national research programmes aimed at addressing societal challenges.

8 MLE Alignment and Interoperability of National Research Programmes
Austria established a specific research programme for societal challenge oriented research in It is called ‘Mission ERA’ and is covering so far four JPIs. The programme is designed to be open for the inclusion of more mission oriented topics and gives the flexibility in terms of budget allocation and implementation instrument.

9 JPIs Alignment Workshops – JPI Water
Objectives from the Third Alignment Workshop JPI WATER: Share good practices  Exchange views on specific alignment instruments  Identify the current situation & goals / targets regarding alignment  Progress Case Study 1 “Identification of RDI needs / Discussion of mechanisms for TAP”  Progress Case Study 2 “Review of findings from the 2nd Case Study”

10 JPI Urban Europe Stakeholder Involvement Platform Workshop
Aims  to bring together the knowledge and expertise from experts and research projects dealing with migration, forced displacement and social integration across Europe. The aim is to identify the potential for further joint activities among the participants from JPI Urban Europe and other (inter-)national projects, people working on the topic and a wider group of experts.

11 ERA LEARN Current Approaches to Alignment
Alignment is not only about organising joint calls for research. Can be achieved via various joint actions and instruments ! Different actions are often complementary to each other. Some can be conducted in parallel (e.g., launch of joint calls + establishment of researchers’ network) Yet: need to be realistic and avoid launching too many alignment actions at the same time

12 JPICH – Alignment- Best Practices
Excerpts from Deliverable 1.2

13 D1.2 – Best practices – Alignment - Excerpts
Actions such as a workshop, in which other JPIs will be invited to participate, will be organized to present and discuss policy recommendations and make plans for implementing and promoting alignment of research programmes within the field of CH.”

14 European Culture Forum 2017
The European Culture Forum is a biennial flagship event organised by the European Commission to raise the profile of European cultural cooperation, to bring together cultural sectors' key players and to debate on EU culture policy and initiatives. Speakers / Presence of Indrek Saar, Minister of Culture of Estonia; Dario Franceschini, Minister of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism of Italy; Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, and Petra Kammerevert, Member of the European Parliament and Chair of the CULT Committee. Prof. Małgorzata Omilanowska, Professor of Art History at the University of Gdańsk, former Minister of Culture and National Heritage of Poland Creative Europe and integration of migrants and refugees – one year later ShowCultural heritage and civil society - together for heritage

15 Organizing the Workshop
WHEN – March? Set Week? Just on its own? WHERE – Cyprus? Will people travel and spend at least 2 days, if not 3 days for just a 1 day workshop? WHO – will be invited and who must participate (at least all JPICH members should have representatives) WHAT is to be included and what is the expected outcome – these will help define the WHO will be invited to talk Will there indeed be a declaration at the end?

16 WHEN and on its own? WHEN – definitely March? Could we have something else along it??? - (Inter)national, cross disciplinary and sectoral networking and knowledge exchange between CH researchers and the various partners of the JPI CH (D1.2 – how to handle bottlenecks) ‐ Alertness and active involvement in the development of new national strategies and funding schemes relevant to the JPI CH's SRA.

17 Researchers, Stakeholders, Knowledge Sharing (Annex II D1.2)
Stakeholder Network Activities - A network of CH researchers function as the Research Council's and the JPI CH's reference group in developing the research agenda. The plan is to develop this group further (Norway). General Activities Aiming to Knowledge Sharing - Norway, and probably other countries, organise information meetings about the calls. The Netherlands promote the Heritage Portal to professionals and organisations. Maybe invite projects deemed as excellent either at the proposal review or at he proposal evaluation stage?? (parade?)

18 WHO – to invite to talk and who must participate

19 WHAT is to be included Defined a bit by who is invited to talk
Good idea to approach from general to specific – GPC, GD, countries, JPIs, CH, Stakeholders What is alignment? EC’s perspective Q&A - DG What is alignment? GPC’s perspective Q&A - GPC Sharing of good practices - OTHER JPIs How to do it? - ERA LEARN JPICH – Where we are – where we need to go European Culture Forum?

20 Decisions… Presentation of the Workshops “JPICH Alignment” scheduled for March Draft programme. Definition of the Workshop output, i.e. “Memorandum of Understanding on Alignment”.

21 Thank you!

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