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SMART Rivers 2017 What did we hear? What are the primary take aways?

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Presentation on theme: "SMART Rivers 2017 What did we hear? What are the primary take aways?"— Presentation transcript:

1 SMART Rivers 2017 What did we hear? What are the primary take aways?

2 Summary Build sustainable, resilient projects, systems and waterways
Use adaptive management & monitoring Engineering With Nature Regional Sediment Management All projects are multi-objective, multi-purpose projects balance between the economic, social and environmental issues Must build in from the start cyber security Innovative materials can be better, faster, cheaper Standards are important Data Infrastructure components & construction methods Information products & services 2 2

3 Summary Everywhere we need to be more transparent, more open about who we are, what we do and why it is important to engage us in all the freight movement. Do a better job of Value Quantification Do a Better job explaining & managing risk Do a better job modeling freight flow Plow the exit ramps We are adopting and applying automation SLS moorings Lock gates & bridges Structural Health Monitoring Vessel operations Water drones for measuring, monitoring & entertaining We’ve done it, we can do more, we can do better 3 3

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