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Some Minimalist Dynamics

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1 Some Minimalist Dynamics
Wan Ahmad Tajuddin Wan Abdullah Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

2 Complexity Nature - complex at many levels
Physics: series expansions, truncations of series, statistical approximations, reduction analyses, system isolation, etc. microbehaviour of components ↓ collective, emergent macrolevel characteristics of system

3 ► get as close as possible to reality - better models and more accurate calculations
► minimalist models - capture the principal dynamics necessary, just sufficient for macrobehaviour Identify, understand underlying dynamics principally responsible for macrophenomena

4 Monte Carlo simulation
simulation - integration of equations of motion. noise/entropy/ignorance – probabilities Prob(macro) = Folding(Prob(micro)) = ∫...π...Prob(macro|micro)Prob(micro|micro)...Prob(micro)... Monte Carlo - integration of probability distributions

5 minimalist Ignore parameters not affecting macrobehaviour
(~ 'averaged out')

6 Some minimalist models
Lattice gas and fluids atoms/molecules on lattice → vortices, turbulence flow Cellular automata lattice, neighborhood digital interactions → (1d,nn) dynamics: static, cycles, chaos, complex

7 • Protein folding on-lattice, hydrophobic/hydrophylic nodes → insights into folding landscapes • Genetic algorithms Binary strings, mutation, cross-over, selection → parallel stochastic exploration of energy landscape, optimization

8 Neural networks Traffic binary/bipolar, threshold, automata
→ gradient-descent dynamics, optimization associative (Hebb) learning → logic Traffic lattice, look-ahead interactions → dynamical phases: smooth flow, stop-and-start jams

9 Economics Wealth exchange Yakovenko money conserved → Gibbsian

10 With saving propensity
non-thermal Chatterjee et al.

11 Kinetic trading Trading rules: Local Zero temperature - deterministic
Conservative in money+ goods changing prices, money value Scale independence of money, goods

12 Price evolution - initial distribution gaussian
1:1 money:goods :1 money:goods

13 ► ‘pump’ – for zero b states: push to higher h
► dissipative (in h) – tendency to move to lowest state ► ‘pump’ – for zero b states: push to higher h long time behaviour – equilibration?

14 Variance in price Mean price Price variance Initial ratio of goods

15 Demand curve 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 Initial available goods (fraction) Mean price (after 5 iterations) 25 agents 50 agents 100 agts 200 agts 400 agts

16 ‘greed’/rational/profit maximization
– where did it come from? independence on number of agents?

17 Wealth distribution



20 Soccer? :-) dribble, shoot, move, strength, fermions
go for ball, go for goal preliminary

21 +---------------------------------------------------+
| | | h | | h h y | | y | | h y | [ ] [ y ] [ b h hY y g ] [ h ] | h y | | h | | h y y | | y |

22 +---------------------------------------------------+
| | | h | | y | | h | | y | [ ] [ h y ] [ hy ] [ b h hY y g ] [ hhy ] [ y ] [ h ]

23 + passing, positioning

24 +---------------------------------------------------+
| | | y | | h | [ h ] [ hy ] [ hyy ] [ b h h Hyy g ] [ hyy ] [ hh ] [ ] | yy |

25 +---------------------------------------------------+
| | | y | [ o hhh ] [ y ] [ hhhy y ] [ b h yh hyy g ] [ y y ] [ ] [ y ] | h |

26 +---------------------------------------------------+
| | | hh | | h | [ ] [ y y ] [ hy y ] [ b h hyy g o [ hy y ] [ h ] [ yy ] | h | | h |

27 noise intelligence learning

28 ขอบคุณ Thank you

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