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Basic Technical Applications

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1 Basic Technical Applications
Multimedia 1 Basic Technical Applications

2 Basic Tech Apps 2-D Animation Broadcast Media September – mid-November
November – January

3 2-D Animation Create animated objects Create storyboards and timelines
Drawing tools Types of animations Create storyboards and timelines Use interactive features to control an animation Critiquing animations

4 2-D Animation: Software
Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Google Sketch-Up

5 Broadcast Media: Audio Editing
Creation of sound files and music clips Editing music Podcasts Manipulation of sound and special effects Software: Audacity

6 Broadcast Media: Video Editing
Video capture Filming techniques Special effects editing Creation of movies commercial Software: Adobe Premiere Windows Movie Maker

7 Course Expectations Be in class ready to work on time. When you come in late or miss a class, you will miss important information and explanations. It will be difficult to completely make up what you have missed. With the majority of the course work on the Moodle or the wiki, it is your responsibility to catch up on missed work if you miss a class. It is up to you to attempt the assignment on your own and Come prepared to work. The hour you spend in class needs to be used wisely and you need to have all materials with you and assignments completed.

8 Course Expectations continued…
Most assignments will be handed in digitally using Moodle. This will be explained in class. Assignments, instructions, and deadlines will all be on Moodle. You should be checking the calendar and ensuring that all assignments are completed by the due date. Moodle will not accept work after the due date! Plagiarism is not acceptable – give credit for any ideas, words, images, etc. that are not your own.

9 Technology Disclaimer
Computers may crash or freeze and lose data – expect that this will happen to you at some point and save your work frequently. This is no excuse for having incomplete assignments. Please be understanding that technology does not always work how we want it to…there may be times when it is frustrating and time-consuming…we need to be patient and work together to problem solve.

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