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“Get It in Writing!” Nehemiah 9:38 – 10:39.

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Presentation on theme: "“Get It in Writing!” Nehemiah 9:38 – 10:39."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Get It in Writing!” Nehemiah 9:38 – 10:39

2 All of us know that talk can be cheap
All of us know that talk can be cheap. Nobody knows this better than does our God…

3 The covenant of God is essentially a call to His people to be different or distinct people…

4 Last week in Missouri at the Waynesville DMV a young man came back asking the clerk if he had forgotten anything…

5 …God doesn’t want us to lead our lives dominated with “accidents”…

6 to see how we can become more purposeful in our walk with God

7 I Be Distinct in Personal Relation- ships (10:28-30)
A. Israel Made a Promise

8 Unlike Joe Isuzu, when Israel made this promise they meant it…

9 I Be Distinct in Personal Relation- ships (10:28-30)
A. Israel Made a Promise B. The Law Was Specific

10 Exodus 34:15-16

11 I Be Distinct in Personal Relation- ships (10:28-30)
A. Israel Made a Promise B. The Law Was Specific C. The Real Issue in Relation- ships

12 Luke 14:26

13 We must maintain distinctness in personal relationships – especially with God!

14 II Be Distinct in Money Making (10:31)
A. Israel Made Another Promise

15 A banker and a lawyer were out fishing
A banker and a lawyer were out fishing. The boat started taking on water. The lawyer was a good swimmer, but wasn’t sure the banker could swim...

16 II Be Distinct in Money Making (10:31)
A. Israel Made Another Promise B. The Real Issue in Making Money

17 The real issue behind making money is trusting God… God alone determines the terms of a covenant. This is non-negotiable. Our only decision is whether or not we trust Him!

18 III Be Distinct in Matters of Faith (10:32-39)
A. Israel Renewed Their Promise

19 Does the exercise of our faith ever give a similar act of distinctive trust? Do people see distinctness in our lifestyles?

20 III Be Distinct in Matters of Faith (10:32-39)
A. Israel Renewed Their Promise B. God Plays No Tricks

21 Always read the “small print” when signing a contract… There is no “small print” with God…

22 III Be Distinct in Matters of Faith (10:32-39)
A. Israel Renewed Their Promise B. God Plays No Tricks C. The Real Issue in Making Him Lord

23 Have you ever gotten this specific with God
Have you ever gotten this specific with God? Have you ever put it in writing?

24 …Nazi anti-aircraft fire, which was constant, hit their plane on this particular mission. In fact, a 50 mm shell went into their fuel tank but it did not explode…

25 You and I need regular times of renewing our commitment to God’s covenant… This is why we are given the weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper…

26 Conclusion/Summary: God wants us to let the rest of the world know where we stand! God is waiting to “get it in writing!”

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