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Carmen Arace Middle School

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1 Carmen Arace Middle School 2018-19
WELCOME Carmen Arace Middle School

2 Welcome to the 2018-19 School Year
Teachers and all staff members are here to help each child SUCCEED!

3 GRADE 7 INTRODUCTIONS Grade 7 Teachers Ms. Cote (Math)
Ms. Houle (Science) Ms. Klein (Language Arts) Mr. Menapace (Social Studies) Ms. Nahas, Team Leader (Student Support) Ms. Parker (Language Arts) Ms. Richardson, Team Leader (Language Arts) Ms. Toney, Team Leader (Math)

4 GRADE 8 INTRODUCTIONS Grade 8 Teachers Mr. Bonebo (World Language)
Ms. Bunting, Team Leader (Language Arts) Mr. Gionfriddo (Science) Mr. Gregory (Math) Mr. Jennings, Team Leader (Social Studies) Ms. Morris (Language Arts) Ms Murray (Math) Ms. Willis (Student Support)

Unified Arts Teachers Ms. Crimi (Chorus) Mr. DeNovellis (Art) Ms. Jones (Band) Mr. Michaud (Gym) Mr. Poland, Team Leader (Gym) Ms. Wasko (Art)

-Follow directions the first time given Achievement -Complete all assigned tasks on time Motivation -Give your best effort Safety -Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself -Think before you act

All assignments should be done: COMPLETELY (Every item is attempted.) CORRECTLY (Every item edited for accuracy.) CONSISTENTLY (Every item is submitted on time.) All papers (including class work and homework) must be headed properly including: Student’s full name, subject/section - in upper left-hand corner Date and Assignment - in upper right-hand corner

CLASSWORK 40% TESTS/QUIZZES 20% PROJECTS 15% HOMEWORK 15% CLASS PARTICIPATION 10% Grade 8 – No Late Homework accepted. Grade 7 – Late Homework will receive partial credit. 10 points will be deducted each day for up to five days. Work more than 5 days late will receive a zero. [Note: Grade 7 homework policy will be reviewed and revised if needed so that changes can be made for the 3rd quarter.]

9 GPAs and PowerSchool A+ 4.33 B+ 3.33 A 4.00 B 3.0 A- 3.67 B- 2.67
C D+ 1.33 C D 1.00 C D- 0.67 F 0.00 3.6 GPA = High Honors 3.0 GPA = Honors 2.0 GPA = Promotion

10 UNIFORM POLICY Tops: Black, White, Gold (Yellow)
Bottoms: Black, Khaki, and Navy Read the Handbook (pg. 12) and Board Policies (pgs. 2-4). All students are expected to follow the Dress Code policy. Students should remember that shirts must remained tucked in, pants must be pulled up at all times and students may wear school-colored sweaters only. Students will be given two reminders and a referral will follow subsequently.

11 ELECTRONIC DEVICES Devices should be kept in a locked locker at all times. (See Handbook pages 15 and 18) If a device is visible and/or audible, it will be confiscated and returned to a parent/guardian only. (p. 18) Students MUST bring locks to secure their valuables in the hallway locker, as well as the PE locker by Sept 28th . Consequences will be enforced and parents will be contacted when violations occur after this date. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

12 FORMS All parents/guardians should read, complete and return the following forms no later than September 7th: Emergency Information Card Page 28 – Press Release form Page 29 – Handbook acknowledgement CAMS Parent Packet Students should make sure that all forms are signed by their parent/guardian and returned to their homeroom teacher.

13 Have a successful year! GO FOR IT !!!
FINAL THOUGHTS Have a successful year! GO FOR IT !!!

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